Running anti-Muslim campaigns ‘a losing strategy,’ report finds

(Politico) Dozens of candidates, almost exclusively Republicans, have run campaigns this election cycle casting their opponents as national security threats with ties to terrorism. But according to a new study, it won’t help them win.

“It is a losing strategy,” the 51-page report says. “Most of them are on track to lose, if they haven’t already.”

The “Running on Hate” 2018 pre-election report, issued by Muslim Advocates, a civil rights group based in Oakland, Calif., named 80 candidates for federal, state and local office who have expressed anti-Muslim sentiment, based on advertisements and past rhetoric. All but two are Republicans. A dozen of these candidates are safely projected to win in November.

“While many factors contribute to election outcomes, the vast majority of anti-Muslim campaigns have ended in failure — even with clearly credible candidates and in places where President Trump is popular,” the report states.

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