PEGIDA’s fourth anniversary: Thousands in Dresden for rival rallies Some 10,000 people joined demonstrations in Dresden opposing a celebratory PEGIDA rally. The far-right group held its first 'evening stroll' four years ago.

(Deutsche Welle) Thousands of people turned out on Sunday in the eastern German city of Dresden in defiance of a fourth-anniversary rally by the anti-immigrant PEGIDA movement.

The far-right group’s march through the city took place at the same time and attracted between 4,000 and 5,000 people.

PEGIDA supporters gathered in front of Dresden’s historic Frauenkirche, where one of their banners warned German Chancellor Angela Merkel “your days … are numbered.”

DW reporter William Glucroft, meanwhile, described how anti-PEGIDA protesters from a wide spectrum of German society had gathered outside the city hall.

One group carried a banner which read: “Solidarity against the shift to the right in Europe.”

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