Keith Ellison denounces Louis Farrakhan, Doug Wardlow endorses gay rights in combative debate

(Pioneer Press) Keith Ellison and Doug Wardlow spent the better part of an hour Sunday night trying to characterize the other as extreme — and defend himself from the other’s attacks, which ranged from Louis Farrakhan to gay rights.

Ellison, a Democratic congressman representing Minneapolis, and Wardlow, an attorney and former Republican state lawmaker, are running for state attorney general in what has emerged as one of the bitterest campaigns of a pretty bitter and busy campaign season.

In a nutshell, Wardlow accuses Ellison of being an extreme left-wing politician who would use the office to further his political agenda. Ellison says the same about Wardlow — except that Wardlow’s right-wing.

The two squared off Sunday night in a debate in St. Paul as part of a series of debates hosted by KSTP-TV.

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