Media cover for Ammar Campa-Najjar, accuse Duncan Hunter of racism

(Breitbart) CNN claimed Tuesday that Rep. Duncan Hunter Jr. (R-CA) is “running an anti-Muslim campaign” against Democrat challenger Ammar Campa-Najjar in California’s 50th congressional district, east and northeast of San Diego.

The same claim has been repeated by countless mainstream media outlets in the past several days, as more facts have come to light about Campa-Najjar’s background — facts that tend to contradict his previous public claims.

The tone of Hunter’s campaign is debatable. He ran an ad accusing Campa-Najjar of trying to “infiltrate” Congress. His campaign is circulating a letter signed by three former U.S. Marine Corps generals (and, later, lobbyists) who argue that Campa-Najjar would be a “security risk” if elected. He has been accused of suggesting Campa-Najjar, who converted to Christianity, is actually a Muslim (he denies doing so).

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