Inaugural V-March sheds light on female genital mutilation in NYC Local advocates marched to mobilize city agencies to provide services for victims of female genital mutilation which affects 65,000 women in NYC.

(Brooklyn Reader) The New York Coalition to End Female Genital Mutilation hosted the inaugural V-March on Saturday to call on city agencies to organize a coordinated response to end female genital mutilation (FGM).

The V-March, a celebration of women’s “voices, victories and vitality,” began at City Hall with opening remarks by Councilwoman Alicka Ampry-Samuels, sponsor of the march. A procession of 15-20 volunteers then trekked to Prospect Park, brandishing anti-FGM signs and chanting, “Liberate her!” The group assembled at Prospect Park’s Concert Grove, where V-March co-organizer Kimberly Knox hosted a series of performances.

Although commonly considered non-prevalent in the US, half a million women and girls are at risk of experiencing FGM, 65,000 of whom reside in New York City, according to the coalition.

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