Chatham councilman apologizes for anti-Muslim statements

(Bergen Record) A Chatham councilman running for re-election apologized for anti-Muslim statements he made that were condemned Monday by an Islamic organization.

Peter Hoffman said that 10 years ago he made a post on the anti-Islam website BarenakedIslam that read, “Islam is a sick, backward faith practiced by low life scum … until the ‘moderate’ Muslims rein in their sick brethren and stop this type of behavior, Islam will always be the religion of beasts in my mind.”

Hoffman made the post after viewing a video showing someone stoned to death. He also made separate Facebook posts that read “a hyphenated American is not an American at all” and “assimilation is what made this country great, NOT emphasizing differences.”

“It’s a statement that I’m very ashamed of,” Hoffman said on Monday.

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