(IPT) One of our staffers made a mistake on social media Monday involving the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). When CAIR pointed it out, he acknowledged the error and deleted the inaccurate post.
But that wasn’t good enough. CAIR likened his position working for IPT executive director Steven Emerson to being “‘Chief Googler’ for David Duke.”
The episode is telling, and not in any manner CAIR thinks it is. For starters, it shows how CAIR is quick to point out other people’s mistakes but never acknowledges its own failings. And it shows that CAIR officials lack any sense of irony or self-awareness.
CAIR likened Emerson to the former Ku Klux Klan leader and renowned hater 24 hours after its Missouri chapter co-sponsored a conference with a group called American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), a group which supports Hamas and doesn’t simply oppose Israeli policies, but tries to undermine Israel’s entire legitimacy.