Government & Politics

Dutch election: Far-right surge gives Geert Wilders late boost One poll puts the anti-Islam euroskeptic in joint first place ahead of Wednesday’s knife-edge vote.

(Politico) A sudden surge in support for far-right firebrand Geert Wilders has electrified the Dutch election as the campaign enters its final hours. Wilders’ anti-Islam and anti-EU Freedom Party (PVV) has been buoyed by last-minute gains, with one poll even putting the […]

Government & Politics

Greece to the EU: Come help stop migrant boats before they get here ‘These tragedies will continue to happen unless we stop departures from Libya,’ Greece’s migration minister told POLITICO following a shipwreck that killed hundreds.

(Politico) Greece wants the EU to stop migrant boats before they even get to Europe. In an interview with POLITICO, newly appointed Greek Migration Minister Dimitris Kairidis called on the EU to resume an operation that aims to halt migrants before leaving […]

Government & Politics

UN: Hungary depriving rejected asylum-seekers of food The UN has accused Hungary of illegally denying food for up to five days to failed asylum-seekers. Budapest replied it 'is not responsible' for people whose asylum requests have been denied.

(Deutsche Welle) The United Nations on Friday said Hungary was deliberately depriving rejected asylum-seekers awaiting deportation of food, in violation of international law. “According to reports, since August 2018, at least 21 migrants awaiting deportation had been deprived of food by the […]