Government & Politics

Germany’s refugee population falls for the first time in nine years The number of refugees living in Germany has fallen for the first time in nine years, said the Interior Ministry. Some lost their protection status, while others were prevented from entering due to COVID-19 restrictions.

(Deutsche Welle) The number of refugees living in Germany has fallen for the first time in nine years, according to the Interior Ministry. In the first half of 2020, the total number of refugees decreased from about 1.83 million at the end […]


Islamophobic attacks in Germany sharply decline A parliamentary inquiry has found that anti-Muslim attacks have been dropping steadily since 2017. However, a Left party lawmaker warned that hatred is still being spread widely online and inside communities.

(Deutsche Welle) A new report published on Wednesday found that Islamophobic attacks in Germany were down significantly in 2019 compared to the previous two years. The information was published in the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung following a parliamentary inquiry from the Left party. In […]