Government & Politics

Deportation of suspected ‘IS’ fighters forces Germany to take action Turkey will deport 10 men, women and children with suspected ties to 'Islamic State' back to Germany this week. The move is making several countries address how to repatriate suspected terrorists and their families.

(Deutsche Welle) The repatriation of “Islamic State” (IS) deportees  is bound to spark domestic and international debate: Public opinion in Germany is moving against the repatriation of suspected terrorists, and countries around the world continue to shy away from bringing suspected fighters and […]

Government & Politics

Turkey: US citizen Daesh terrorist repatriated ‘Total of 3 foreign national terrorists to be deported from our country today,’ says Turkish Interior Ministry spokesman

(Anadolu) Turkey has repatriated one Daesh/ISIS terrorist from the U.S. and this week will deport several more terrorists back to Germany, the country’s Interior Ministry said on Monday. “A U.S. citizen Daesh terrorist has been repatriated after the completion of legal procedures,” […]


U.S.-born ISIS bride says ‘everyone deserves a second chance’ Hoda Muthana says in an interview with NBC News that she worries for the future of her 2-year-old son, Adam, and wants to return home to Alabama.

(NBC) An American-born woman who once urged jihadists in America to “go on drivebys, and spill all of their blood,” says she “regrets every single thing” and believes she should be given the option to return to the United States with her […]

Government & Politics

Turkey to start extraditing Daesh/ISIS members Nov. 11 Turkey to send back Daesh/ISIS members even though home countries do not want them back, says interior minister

(Anadolu) Turkey will start extraditing captured Daesh/ISIS terrorists Nov. 11 to their home countries, according to Turkey’s interior minister. “PYD[/PKK terror group] releases Daesh[/ISIS] terrorists and we capture them,” Suleyman Soylu told an opening ceremony in Ankara. “We tell Europe that we […]

Children & Teens

Detained Islamic State members turn to Europe’s courts to come home Widows and fighters held in camps in Syria lodge cases in Belgium, France, Germany and Netherlands to force resistant governments to repatriate them

(Wall Street Journal) Jessie Van Eetvelde was a Belgian supermarket cashier who heard the Muslim call to prayer on a vacation in Morocco 11 years ago and converted to Islam. Back home she married a Dutch Muslim man, and in 2014 the […]

Law Enforcement

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi death: Monitoring of Islamist extremist suspects in Britain stepped up The move is precautionary amid warnings of potential reprisal attacks after Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi killed himself in a US raid.

(Sky News) Security officials are increasing monitoring of high-priority Islamist extremist suspects in Britain following the death of the leader of Islamic State, according to Sky sources. The move is precautionary amid warnings of the potential for reprisal attacks by supporters of […]


Another jihadist suspect set to lose Swiss passport

(Swiss Info) Moves are underway to strip a Geneva-based woman suspected of supporting militant Islamic organisations of her Swiss nationality. The State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) launched proceedings against a woman with triple Swiss, French and Tunisian nationality, according to a note in the latest edition of the Federal Gazette. […]

Government & Politics

‘Greece must recognize Turkish minority in W Thrace’ 'Nobody is talking about it but it is one of most serious violations of minority rights in EU,' rights group says

(Anadolu) A minority rights group on Wednesday called on Greece to recognize the Turkish minority of Western Thrace. The Western Thrace region of Greece is home to a Muslim Turkish minority of around 150,000 people. In a report published Wednesday, the Minority […]