Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Scheer strips Tory MP of committee role after confrontation with Muslim witness Michael Cooper had quoted manifesto of accused New Zealand mosque shooter

(CBC) Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer has stripped MP Michael Cooper of his spot on the House of Commons justice committee as punishment for Cooper’s angry confrontation with a Muslim witness in hearings dedicated to online hate. Earlier this week, Cooper told Faisal […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Committee erupts after Tory MP tells Muslim witness he ‘should be ashamed’ MP Michael Cooper read quote from manifesto of accused New Zealand mosque shooter into committee record

(CBC) A parliamentary committee exploring online hate descended into chaos this week after a Conservative MP told a Muslim witness he should be “ashamed” after he drew a link between “conservative commentators” and the online history of mosque shooter Alexandre Bissonnette. The […]