Arts & Entertainment

New year wishes: Imam of Bordeaux grand mosque criticizes Maitre Gims Maitre Gims released a video earlier this year, criticizing Muslim fans for wishing him a happy new year.

(Morocco World News) Tareq Oubrou, the rector of the grand mosque of Bordeaux, France, has criticized Congolese-French rapper Maitre Gims after he called on his Muslim fans to stop sending him new year and birthday wishes, considering the practice to be “un-Islamic.” […]

Clerics & Preachers

French Muslim association to forge ahead with imam training plans despite Macron reticence Hakim El Karoui’s association plans to raise cash from taxes on halal products and Hajj trips

(National-UAE) A new French Muslim association is pressing ahead with plans to finance the training and payment of imams despite silence from President Emmanuel Macron on his long-promised initiative for the organisation of Islam in France. Analysts believe the president shelved his […]