Government & Politics

Muslim Brotherhood’s influence in Europe laid bare Austrian report says taxpayers are unwittingly funding the group, which has close ties to Turkey

(National-UAE) The Muslim Brotherhood has established vast influence in Europe and public bodies are unwittingly funding its activities, experts believe. Despite having only a few hundred senior figures in Europe, Brotherhood activists have sought to portray themselves as representatives for the entire […]

Government & Politics

Austria’s Muslim youth file lawsuit against ‘Islam map’ The map, showing the names and location of over 600 mosques and associations in the country, has sparked outcry.

(Deutsche Welle) Muslim Youth Austria (MJO) is filing a lawsuit against the country’s controversial “Map of Political Islam,” the group announced on Saturday. The map, showing the names and location of over 600 mosques and associations in Austria and their possible links abroad, […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Austria sparks uproar with ‘Islam map’

(AFP) The Austrian government came under fire Thursday for a new “Islam map” showing the location of mosques and associations around the country, with religious groups saying it would stigmatise Austria’s Muslim population. Earlier, Integration Minister Susanne Raab unveiled an internet website […]

Government & Politics

Austria drops ‘political Islam’ from controversial bill Gov't replaces contentious phrase with 'religiously-motivated extremism' in revised terrorism draft law

(Anadolu) Austria’s coalition government on Wednesday revised its controversial “anti-terror” law, using the phrase “religiously motivated extremism” instead of “political Islam.” Following a cabinet meeting, Interior Minister Karl Nehammer, Justice Minister Alma Zadic and Integration Minister Susanne Raab announced a package of […]

Government & Politics

Austria takes ‘pioneering’ approach to tackle influence of political Islam Austrian Integration Minister [Susanne] Raab sets up new centre to document Islamist ideological control over community groups

(National-UAE) Austria launched an initiative on Wednesday to identify and register social and educational institutions that are the targets of Islamist-controlled organisations for political purposes. The new approach will involve an audit of groups through the country’s Documentation Centre for Political Islam, […]