Government & Politics

Trump administration expands travel ban The White House placed restrictions on immigration from half a dozen additional countries, including Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country.

(Politico) President Donald Trump will expand his contentious travel ban, placing new restrictions on six additional countries, just as he embarks on a tough reelection campaign where he will tout his hard-line stance on immigration. Immigrant visas will be suspended for citizens […]

Government & Politics

Israel could bar Omar, Tlaib from visiting, official says Netanyahu discusses thorny issue with AG, top ministers; final decision on the US Congress members lies with interior minister, who has been adamant about banning BDS backers

(Times of Israel) After extensive consultations, the Israeli government may decide not to let US Democratic congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib enter the country, an Israeli diplomatic official said Thursday. The planned visit of the two controversial freshman lawmakers has made […]

Government & Politics

Israel said bracing for likely Omar, Tlaib visit to flashpoint Temple Mount During secret meeting of National Security Council, senior officials agree to allow congresswomen onto holy site, but not accompanied by PA officials

(Times of Israel) Israeli officials are preparing for the likelihood that US congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib may seek to visit the flashpoint Temple Mount in Jerusalem during their upcoming visit to the country, Channel 13 reported Wednesday. The timing of […]

Government & Politics

Heads of Republican-Democrat delegation agree: Omar, Tlaib should visit Israel Even critics ‘leave with much more positive view,’ say leaders of largest-ever group of US lawmakers, with 41 Democrats and 31 Republicans to tour; organizers deny Trump objects

(Times of Israel) The leaders of an unprecedentedly large bipartisan congressional delegation visiting Israel on Sunday welcomed the plan by two controversial Muslim lawmakers to visit the Jewish state, and Jerusalem’s decision to let them enter the country. The two Democratic freshman […]