Government & Politics

New SDP MP under scrutiny over contentious Facebook posts The MP’s employer, Martti Ahtisaari’s Crisis Management Initiative, says it stands behind Hussein al-Taee.

(Yle) Fledgling politician Hussein al-Taee, who was recently elected to parliament on a Social Democratic Party ticket, has come under intense scrutiny over old Facebook posts about the situation in the Middle East. Among other things, the new MP from Vantaa appeared […]

News: Europe

Finnish woman wants to return from IS stronghold: international media International news media reported encountering a woman who claimed to be Finnish and living in an Islamic State-controlled area

(Yle) A journalist writing on Twitter on Wednesday said that he had encountered a Finnish woman living in an area in Syria controlled by the extremist organisation Islamic State. Kurdish affairs analyst and journalist Mutlu Civiroglu tweeted that the woman came to […]

Children & Teens

THL: 10,000 girls and women in Finland have undergone FGM Finland’s public health watchdog THL says 3,000 girls risk undergoing the procedure, which involves removal of all or some of the external female genitalia.

(Yle) There are currently as many as 3,000 girls in Finland who face the risk of being subjected to female genital mutilation or FGM, according to an analysis released by the National Institute for Health and Welfare on Friday. The THL data […]

Children & Teens

Finnish hospitals see more babies born to mothers with FGM Leading Finnish obstetricians are calling on doctors to become more knowledgeable of female genital mutilation, as more circumcised women give birth in Finland.

(Yle) Finland has started tallying births by circumcised mothers as the medical community is increasingly dealing with delivery complications caused by female genital mutilation, FGM. Päivi Polo, who heads the women’s clinic at Turku University Hospital, told Yle she sees 1-2 circumcised […]

Government & Politics

Supo: 200 imprisoned terrorists to be freed in Western Europe soon The Finnish Security Intelligence Service (Supo) says there are more potential 'mentors' who may radicalise individuals to carry out terrorist acts.

(Yle) The Finnish Security Intelligence Service (Supo) warns that more than 200 convicts jailed for terrorism crimes will be freed from Western European prisons within the next few years. “While in prison, these people may not necessarily have changed the way they […]


Citizens’ initiative to ban FGM set for parliamentary consideration A citizens' initiative demanding a law to ban female genital mutilation in Finland has gained 50,000 signatures, meaning Parliament must now consider the motion.

(Yle) A citizens’ initiative demanding that lawmakers draw up a specific law to outlaw FGM in Finland has attracted over 50,000 signatures. This means it has met the threshold enacted in a 2012 Finnish law, and the Finnish Parliament must now put […]