Law Enforcement

West Yorkshire Police officer given community order over pro-Hamas WhatsApp posts Mohammed Adil pleaded guilty to posting two images supporting the al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the banned terrorist group, following the 7 October attacks in Israel.

(Sky News) A police officer from West Yorkshire has been given a community order after posting images of Hamas fighters on Whatsapp, days after the 7 October attacks on Israel. Mohammed Adil, from Wibsey in Bradford, escaped a prison sentence for supporting […]

Government & Politics

Nigel Farage called out for ‘blanket accusation’ as he says ‘growing number’ of Muslims ‘loathe’ British values The honorary president of Reform UK also said the Conservatives and Labour were to blame for an increase in immigration, not Brexit — after Sky's Trevor Phillips challenged him for his 'offensive' remarks about Muslims.

(Sky News) Nigel Farage has argued on Sky News that a “growing number” of young Muslims in the UK do not subscribe to British values. The Reform UK honorary president told Sky News’s Sunday Morning with Trevor Phillips: “We have a growing […]

Government & Politics
Law Enforcement

Manchester bombing: Police officers who went for kebab on night of terror attack given final warnings A watchdog also recommends British Transport Police apologises to the families of the victims for the shortcomings in the policing operation on the night.

(Sky News) Two police officers who took a two-hour break to get kebabs on the night of the Manchester Arena terror attack have been given final written warnings. The inquiry into the atrocity had heard suicide bomber Salman Abedi may have been […]


Hartlepool: Man who prowled streets before stabbing ‘defenceless’ grandfather ‘for people of Gaza’ jailed Ahmed Ali Alid, 45, told police after his arrest that the attack was 'for the people of Gaza' and that if he had access to a machine gun he would have killed more people.

(Sky News) A terrorist who stabbed a stranger to death in an attack motivated by the conflict in Gaza has been sentenced to life in prison with a minimum term of 44 years. Ahmed Ali Alid, 45, an asylum seeker who claimed […]

Children & Teens

Mother facing jail for failing to tell police about son’s involvement in plot to bomb London Nabeela Anjum failed to tell police about what she knew of her son Sameer Anjum's cooperation with another terrorist.

(Sky News) A mother is facing jail after she failed to inform police that her teenage son knew about a terrorist plot to bomb central London. Nabeela Anjum, 48, a biomedical scientist at St James’s Hospital in Leeds, tried to persuade her […]

Law Enforcement

Police officer pleads guilty to two terror offences over pro-Hamas WhatsApp messages The 26-year-old shared messages on his WhatsApp stories in support of banned organisation Hamas — weeks after the group's attack on Israel last October that killed 1,200 people and saw another 250 taken hostage.

(Sky News) A West Yorkshire police officer has pleaded guilty to two terror offences over messages he shared on WhatsApp. PC Mohammed Adil, who is based in Calderdale and is on suspension, admitted two counts of publishing an image in support of […]

Government & Politics

Khairi Saadallah: The missed opportunities to stop Reading attacker An inquest into the deaths of Joseph Ritchie-Bennett, James Furlong and David Wails heard six weeks of evidence from witnesses including probation and immigration officials, police and MI5 officers.

(Sky News) When three men were stabbed to death in Reading’s Forbury Gardens on Saturday, 20 June 2020, Nick Harborne instantly knew Khairi Saadallah was responsible. “Something inside me just went cold,” he told Sky News. The chief executive of the Reading […]


Channel migrant dinghy in which five people died packed with people carrying weapons and fighting — survivor Eighteen-year-old Heivin was among the survivors when five migrants died during an attempt to cross the English Channel in a small boat.

(Sky News) The migrant dinghy in which five people died was chaotic, overloaded and packed with people carrying weapons and fighting, according to one of the passengers who was on board, speaking exclusively to Sky News. Heivin, 18, confirmed the boat was […]


Moroccan asylum seeker guilty of murdering stranger in rampage told officers it was ‘for the people of Gaza’ Ahmed Ali Alid, 45, told police after his arrest that the attack was 'for the people of Gaza' and that if he had access to a machine gun he would have killed more people.

(Sky News) A Moroccan asylum seeker has been found guilty of murdering a stranger in a rampage motivated by the conflict in Gaza. Ahmed Ali Alid, 45, attempted to kill his housemate, a Christian convert, stabbing him in his bed as he […]

Children & Teens

Paris Olympics: 16-year-old arrested after he said he wanted to ‘die a martyr’ at Games France previously raised its security alert to its highest level ahead of hosting this summer's Olympic Games amid concerns the event could be overshadowed by security incidents.

(Sky News) A 16-year-old boy has been arrested by anti-terrorism police in France after he allegedly said on social media he wanted to “die a martyr” at the Olympic Games in Paris this summer. A spokesperson said on Wednesday the boy was […]


Migrant deaths: Are we seeing new form of crime after rival group pushed their way on to boat? Three men, a woman and a young girl died in the cold, dark waters within sight of the promenade at Wimereux while attempting to make the crossing.

(Sky News) Plenty of people have died on small boats trying to cross the Channel. But this was different. The people who perished in the waters off Wimereux died not just because of the greed of people smugglers, or the inadequacy of […]


Footage shows police arrive at hostel before man ‘killed pensioner for Gaza’ Muslim Ahmed Alid is charged with stabbing Terence Carney, 70, who was out walking in Hartlepool town centre, eight days after Hamas launched its attack on Israel.

(Sky News) Footage has been shown to a jury of the moment armed police arrived at a hostel before a Moroccan asylum seeker stabbed a pensioner in the street “for Gaza.” Ahmed Ali Alid, 45, allegedly attempted to kill his housemate, Javed […]

Government & Politics

Injured survivors from Manchester Arena bombing suing MI5 The security service has previously apologised for failing to seize on a chance to thwart the attack, which killed 22 people and injured many more.

(Sky News) The injured survivors of the Manchester Arena bombing are suing MI5, lawyers have said. It comes after the security service’s chief last year acknowledged a “slim” chance of thwarting the attack was missed, with 22 people killed and hundreds injured […]


Moroccan asylum seeker Ahmed Ali Alid murdered ‘defenceless pensioner’ in rampage motivated by Gaza, court hears The 45-year-old is accused of attempting to kill his housemate, a former Muslim who converted to Christianity, before stabbing pensioner Terence Carney to death in Hartlepool.

(Sky News) A Moroccan asylum seeker murdered a “defenceless” pensioner in a rampage motivated by the conflict in Gaza, a court has heard. Ahmed Ali Alid, 45, attempted to kill his housemate, Javed Nouri, a former Muslim who converted to Christianity, because […]

Government & Politics

Groups accused of ‘extremism’ hit back at Michael Gove and say re-assessment ‘will motivate us’ The communities secretary named five organisations that will be re-assessed against the government's new definition of extremism — and one has now threatened legal action.

(Sky News) Two groups set to be re-assessed under the government’s new definition of extremism have hit back at Michael Gove — with one saying the minister’s latest move will only bolster their organisation. Speaking in the Commons on Thursday, the communities […]

Government & Politics

Michael Gove names far-right and Islamist groups which could fall under fresh extremism definition The communities secretary insisted the government has no intention of restricting 'freedom of expression, religion or belief,' as critics warned the new definition could have a 'chilling effect' on free speech.

(Sky News) Michael Gove has named five groups that will be re-assessed as a result of the government’s new definition of extremism. Speaking in the Commons, the communities secretary said two far-right organisations — the British National Socialist Movement and the Patriotic […]

Government & Politics

New extremism definition unveiled because ‘democracy at risk from far-right and Islamist extremists’ Michael Gove updates the description to include conduct that falls short of criminality, but the government still deems 'unacceptable.'

(Sky News) The government has unveiled its new definition of extremism despite warnings it could have a “chilling effect” on free speech. Michael Gove, the communities secretary, has updated the definition as part of a drive to clamp down on the Islamist […]

Government & Politics

Government’s new extremism definition will ‘vilify the wrong people,’ warn Muslim organisations Groups say the new definition 'signals an attack on civil liberties by attacking law-abiding individuals and groups that oppose government policy' by labelling them as 'extremist.'

(Sky News) The government’s proposal to redefine extremism will “vilify the wrong people” and “risk more division,” according to a coalition of Muslim organisations. Signatories include groups which fear they may fall under the new definition announced as part of the government’s […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

UK terror attack survivors condemn anti-Muslim hatred in joint letter The signatories, including survivors and relatives of people who have been killed by extremists, have criticised some politicians for 'facilitating anti-Muslim hate.'

(Sky News) More than 50 victims of Islamist-inspired terror attacks, including the Manchester Arena bombing and Bataclan shooting, have joined together to call for an end to anti-Muslim hate. In a joint letter, they warn that it is the “height of irresponsibility” […]


Michael Gove says ‘good-hearted people’ at pro-Palestine marches should question potential ‘extremist organisers’ Tens of thousands of people participated in a Gaza protest on Saturday in London — the fifth march in the capital this year — which saw five arrests and a counter-protester de-arrested.

(Sky News) Michael Gove has urged pro-Palestinian protesters to question whether extremist groups are behind some of the demonstrations — days ahead of publishing a new official definition of extremism. The housing secretary said “good-hearted people” attending the marches should be aware […]

Clerics & Preachers

Hate preachers to be blocked from entering the UK in fresh crackdown on extremism Ministers already have powers to block people who are 'non-conducive to the public good' — and believe they can be extended to include individuals preaching racism and incitement.

(Sky News) Hate preachers are to be banned from entering the UK. It is understood that officials will identify the most dangerous extremists from countries including Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Indonesia and add them to a warning list. Anyone on that list will […]

Government & Politics

Albanese government urged not to grant visa to Palestinian activist and plane hijacker ahead of socialist conference Anthony Albanese is facing growing calls to ban a Palestinian activist and plane hijacker who glorified the Hamas October 7 attacks from entering Australia ahead of a planned conference in Perth.

(Sky News) The government is being urged to urgently block a pro-Palestinian activist and member of a listed terrorist organisation from entering Australia. Leila Khaled is booked as a keynote speaker at the Socialist Alliance and Green Left’s Ecosocialism conference in Perth […]


Shamima Begum: East London schoolgirl loses appeal against removal of UK citizenship The 24-year-old's legal battle is likely to continue as one of her lawyers said 'as long as she is there, it is not the end.'

(Sky News) Shamima Begum has lost an appeal against the removal of her British citizenship. The east London schoolgirl, now 24, travelled to Syria in 2015 at the age of 15, before her citizenship was revoked on national security grounds shortly after […]

Government & Politics

Khairi Saadallah: MI5 ‘triaged’ terrorist four times but Reading stabbings could not have been stopped, inquest hears Despite the amount of intelligence the security service had on Khairi Saadallah, a senior manager at MI5 said no 'proportionate actions' could have been taken that would have prevented the terrorist attack.

(Sky News) MI5 “triaged” a violent offender four times before he carried out a terrorist knife attack and killed three men in a park in Reading, an inquest has heard. The agency received intelligence including threats by Khairi Saadallah to “blow himself […]

Children & Teens

Radical Islamist preacher Sheikh Abu Bakr Zoud begins Australian tour by praising martyrdom to teenagers Promising them 'paradise' if they recognise their lives are 'worthless'

(Sky News) A radical Islamic preacher has started a firebrand speaking tour of Australia by calling on Muslim doctors to “take advantage” of their “kaffir” patients, lashing the government for legislating matters that are “only the right of Allah to legislate” and […]

Law Enforcement

Khairi Saadallah: Police officer unaware terrorist had knife in flat day before Reading attack, inquest told Recalling the visit to Khairi Saadallah, PC Lewis Perham told the inquest he 'didn't believe he was in crisis when I met him' and was able to hold a conversation.

(Sky News) A police officer who paid a “welfare visit” to a violent offender the day before he launched a terrorist attack has described how he was unaware the man had a knife for the attack in his flat. Khairi Saadallah was […]


Three guilty of terror offence for displaying images of paragliders at pro-Palestine march The trio were found by the Metropolitan Police after a social media appeal and were charged under the Terrorism Act.

(Sky News) Three people accused of displaying images of paragliders at a pro-Palestinian march have escaped jail after being found guilty of showing support for a terrorist group. Heba Alhayek, 29, and Pauline Ankunda, 26, and Noimutu Olayinka Taiwo, 27, were handed […]

Law Enforcement

Khairi Saadallah: Brother of terrorist warned police he could ‘harm himself or others’ day before he killed three, inquest told The brother — a care worker in his mid-30s — said police had visited Khairi Saadallah the evening before the attack, who dismissed concerns about him.

(Sky News) The brother of a terrorist who killed three people in a park in Reading rang police the day before the attack, warning he “could harm himself or others,” an inquest has been told. Khairi Saadallah stabbed to death three men […]

Academics & Education

Schoolboy arrested with kitchen knife in rucksack as he prepared ‘imminent’ attack on teacher, court hears The schoolboy, who cannot be named, had allegedly previously planned an attack at the Isle of Wight music festival using a pickup truck and knife, but dropped the plan.

(Sky News) A 15-year-old schoolboy who converted to Islam was arrested with a kitchen knife in his rucksack as he prepared for an “imminent” attack on one of his teachers who made a joke about pork, a court has heard. The schoolboy, […]

Academics & Education

School banned prayer against backdrop of ‘violence and intimidation,’ headteacher claims Michaela Community School in Brent, north London, is facing a legal challenge from a Muslim student who claims its approach to prayer is discriminatory and 'uniquely' affects her faith.

(Sky News) A school decided to introduce a “prayer ban” for pupils against a “backdrop of events including violence, intimidation and appalling racial harassment” of teachers, its founder has said. Michaela Community School in Brent, north London, which was previously dubbed Britain’s […]

Academics & Education

Schoolboy planned attack on music festival and said he would ‘slice’ throat of teacher, court hears A jury has heard that a teenage Muslim convert looked up the Isle of Wight Festival as a potential target for a terror attack after developing an 'Islamic extremist mindset.'

(Sky News) A 15-year-old schoolboy, who converted to Islam, planned to attack the Isle of Wight music festival using a vehicle and knife, a court has heard. The youth, who cannot be named, was arrested on the day of his alleged planned […]

News: Europe

Reading terror attack: ‘Time has stood still since stabbing,’ family of man killed tell inquest Khairi Saadallah was sentenced to a whole life order after he stabbed three men to death at Forbury Gardens, Reading, in June 2020.

(Sky News) The family of a man stabbed to death in a park in Reading during a terrorist attack have told the opening of an inquest that “time has stood still” since the attacks. Khairi Saadallah, a Libyan refugee, stabbed three men […]

Cemeteries & Funerals

NSW Police monitoring a Sydney mosque which announced commemorative service for Hezbollah militant killed in Lebanon Sydney mosque Al Rahman has been revealed to be hosting a memorial service this week for a Hezbollah terrorist killed in Lebanon while fighting with Israel.

(Sky News) NSW Police say they are monitoring Al Rahman Mosque as it holds a commemorative service for Hezbollah fighter Hussein Ibrahim Salameh, known as Nasser, killed in Lebanon this month. On Christmas Eve, Hezbollah announced six militants were killed between December […]


Man jailed for spying on Iran International TV channel in London to help terror plotters Magomed-Husejn Dovtaev told the jury at his Old Bailey trial he 'quite simply liked' the buildings and architecture surrounding the west London headquarters of the Iranian television channel.

(Sky News) A Chechen-born man has been jailed after being found guilty of spying on a London-based dissident Iranian TV station to help terror plotters. Magomed-Husejn Dovtaev, 31, was accused of conducting surveillance on the west London headquarters of Iran International as […]


Man guilty of spying on London-based TV channel Iran International to help terror plotters Magomed-Husejn Dovtaev was accused of conducting surveillance on a media company that was critical of Iran. Asked why he had taken an interest in the building he told the court he was 'in wonder at the architecture.'

(Sky News) A Chechen-born man has been found guilty of spying on a London-based dissident Iranian TV station to help terror plotters. Magomed-Husejn Dovtaev, 31, was accused of conducting surveillance on the west London headquarters of Iran International as part of a […]


Man accused of terror spying trip to London claims he took video of TV station in ‘wonder’ of architecture Magomed-Husejn Dovtaev, 31, is on trial at the Old Bailey charged with attempting to collect information useful for terrorism. He claims he was 'in wonder' at the architecture in West London and was 'set up.'

(Sky News) A Chechen-born man accused of being an “international terrorist” conducting hostile reconnaissance against a dissident Iranian TV station in West London has claimed he was “set up.” Magomed-Husejn Dovtaev, 31, is accused of conducting surveillance on Iran International at the […]


Russian-speaking man accused of ‘hostile reconnaissance’ for TV station terror attack told police he was sightseeing in London Magomed-Husejn Dovtaev told security guards outside Iran International's former headquarters in Chiswick that he was in the area to visit a friend and to go sightseeing in London.

(Sky News) A Russian-speaking man accused of conducting hostile reconnaissance for a terrorist attack on a dissident Iranian TV station in West London told police he was on a weekend sightseeing visit in the capital, a court has heard. Magomed-Husejn Dovtaev, 31, […]


Man ‘spied on HQ of London-based TV channel Iran International to help terror plotters’ Magomed-Husejn Dovtaev, 31, told security guards outside the channel's headquarters that he was in the area to visit a friend. But he was later arrested by police after he was seen filming the building on his mobile phone, a court was told.

(Sky News) An Austrian man is on trial accused of carrying out “hostile reconnaissance” of a TV station in London that was potentially being targeted for a terrorist attack. Magomed-Husejn Dovtaev is said to have tried to covertly film security arrangements outside […]

Government & Politics

Arrest made after Tory MP Justin Tomlinson was sent threatening messages about Israel-Gaza conflict Feras Al-Jayoosi, 36, has been charged with stalking Justin Tomlinson, Conservative MP for North Swindon, by allegedly sending him multiple abusive and threatening emails about the Israel-Gaza conflict.

(Sky News) A man has been remanded in custody accused of stalking a Conservative MP by sending him threatening messages about the Israel-Gaza conflict. Feras Al-Jayoosi, 36, was arrested by counter-terrorism police on Thursday and was later charged with stalking Justin Tomlinson, […]

Children & Teens

Police ‘actively looking’ for individuals over antisemitic signs at pro-Palestinian march While a march in the capital calling for a ceasefire in Gaza remained largely peaceful, images are circulating on social media showing some protesters having carried antisemitic signs. Sky News has also seen antisemitic graffiti close to the route.

(Sky News) The Metropolitan Police has said it is “actively looking” for individuals pictured carrying antisemitic placards at the pro-Palestinian march in London. Hundreds of thousands of people took part in a march in the capital on Saturday, calling for a ceasefire […]


Met Police cuts ties with adviser who led controversial chant at pro-Palestinian rally Scotland Yard said the language and views expressed by Mr Malik 'appear antisemitic and contrary with our values' and it would be 'immediately ceasing our relationship' with him while it investigates.

(Sky News) The Metropolitan Police has ceased working with an adviser who was filmed leading a chant of the controversial slogan “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” Solicitor Attiq Malik is chair of the London Muslim Communities Forum, […]


‘These are hate marches’: Home secretary hits out at pro-Palestinian protests as UK terror threat level remains ‘substantial’ When questioned about demonstrations in London, Suella Braverman said police were dealing with a 'large number of bad actors' and urged forces to take a 'zero-tolerance approach to antisemitism.'

(Sky News) Home Secretary Suella Braverman has described street demonstrations in support of Palestinians as “hate marches.” It comes as five people have been charged after a pro-Palestinian protest took place in London on Saturday — the second weekend in a row […]


Israel-Hamas war: Met Police chief calls for ‘sharper’ laws in dealing with extremism Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley has said he would support a review into the legal definition of extremism and how it should be policed — amid criticism of their handling of pro-Palestine protests.

(Sky News) The Met Police chief has said there is scope for “sharper” laws in dealing with extremism as he faces criticism over the handling of pro-Palestinian protests in London. It comes as two women have been held on suspicion of inciting […]


Shamima Begum’s British citizenship removal was ‘unlawful,’ Court of Appeal hears Shamima Begum, then aged 15, travelled to Syria in 2015. She was later found to be living in a refugee camp and shortly after, the Home Office revoked her citizenship and barred her from returning to the UK.

(Sky News) The decision to remove Shamima Begum’s British citizenship was “unlawful,” a court has heard, as her latest appeal against the decision begins. Ms Begum travelled to Syria in 2015 to join Islamic State, when she was aged 15, and her […]

Health & Medicine

Hartlepool stabbings: Man in court charged with ‘terror-motivated’ murder and attempted murder Ahmed Alid, who was following the hearing with the help of an Arabic interpreter, did not respond when repeatedly asked to confirm his name. Instead, he said: 'I'm very ill, I cannot talk, I cannot speak.'

(Sky News) A Moroccan national has appeared at the Old Bailey accused of stabbing a 70-year-old man to death in Hartlepool, in a knife attack alleged to have been motivated by terrorism. Ahmed Alid is charged with the attempted murder of his […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Spy chief says MI5 ‘absolutely alert’ to risk of UK terror attack amid Israel-Hamas war Ken McCallum also tells Sky News there is a 'sharpened concern' about multiple threats, from far-right antisemitism, Islamophobia, Islamist extremism, and rising state-level aggression — predominantly from China, Russia and Iran.

(Sky News) The director general of MI5 has told Sky News his intelligence officers are “focused with particular intensity” on a growing risk of attacks within the UK following events in the Middle East. In a rare interview, Ken McCallum said: “Sadly, […]