Academics & Education

Judge tosses four of five claims related to art history dispute at Hamline University, keeps case in federal court Erika López Prater, an art history professor, lost her teaching position at Hamline after showing images of the Prophet Muhammad in class. A federal judge will allow her religious discrimination claim to proceed.

(Sahan Journal) A lawsuit against Hamline University by a former art history professor will remain in federal court, U.S. District Judge Katherine Menendez ruled Friday. But she dismissed four of the professor’s five claims that stemmed from a campus dispute last winter. […]

Government & Politics

The adhan, five times a day: Minneapolis City Council poised to vote on allowing a full daily set of Muslim prayer calls year-round Minneapolis has limited the broadcast of the Islamic call to prayer to three or four times a day. The City Council will vote next week on a proposal to expand that to five times a day.

(Sahan Journal) Minneapolis mosques would be able to broadcast the adhan — the Islamic call to prayer — five times a day under a proposed ordinance unanimously approved March 29 by the City Council’s Public Health and Safety Committee. The resolution would […]

Academics & Education

Art history professor moves to dismiss federal lawsuit against Hamline, plans to file new suit A federal judge dismissed the case at the art history professor’s request. The professor’s lawyer told Sahan Journal his client would file a new case in state court.

(Sahan Journal) A federal judge on Thursday dismissed the lawsuit Erika López Prater filed against Hamline University after the school criticized her for displaying two images of the Prophet Muhammad in her art history class. David Redden, an attorney for López Prater, […]

Academics & Education