Academics & Education

Israeli-Canadian teen says she was attacked at New Brunswick school for being Jewish The assault allegedly occurred during school hours at Leo Hayes High School in Fredericton at a parking lot off campus

(National Post) A 14-year-old Israeli-Canadian girl attending a high school in New Brunswick has told Canadian Jewish News that she was assaulted last month by another student for being Jewish. Shaked Tsurkan said she was attacked by an older female schoolmate at […]

Government & Politics

Muslim leaders meet in Toronto to declare support for Jews and combat antisemitism Over four hundred people packed into a midtown venue to hear speakers assembled by the non-profit Council of Muslims Against Antisemitism

(National Post) A global network of Muslim thought leaders convened in Toronto on Sunday afternoon to discuss ways to combat antisemitism coming from within their community. Over 400 people packed into a midtown venue to hear speakers assembled by the non-profit Council […]

Academics & Education

Canadian universities cancel speeches over speaker’s Hamas atrocities ‘celebration’ Ten days after the Oct. 7 atrocities, Hamdi spoke at an event where he told an audience to 'celebrate the victory' of the Hamas massacre which left over 1,000 Israeli[s] dead

(National Post) Concordia and Carleton universities have apparently cancelled speaking engagements featuring Sami Hamdi, a British political commentator, over his comments celebrating Hamas atrocities during the terror group’s Oct. 7 attacks on Israel. Hamdi spoke at Western University on Thursday and is […]

Government & Politics

Conservatives ask for foreign interference inquiry to look specifically at Iran 'Iranian foreign interference is an active, present threat in Canada, and one that the current government has not taken appropriate action on'

(National Post) The federal Conservatives are asking for the inquiry into foreign interference to look specifically at Iran’s potential meddling in Canada’s elections. The inquiry began hearings this week on the topic of foreign interference in Canada. It was created after multiple […]

Government & Politics

Islamic group calling for Shariah law cancels Canadian event after U.K. declares it a terrorist entity The group’s statements are seen as starkly antisemitic, hawkish on eradicating Israel, and supporting elements of militant jihadi violence

(National Post) The day after an Islamic organization was declared a terrorist group in Britain, the group’s Canadian branch cancelled a conference it was hosting this weekend that was calling for the resurrection of the Muslim caliphate and the imposition of Shariah […]


Two men charged in connection with notorious anti-Israel protest at Toronto mall Toronto police accused the two men of blocking the entrance to the store and preventing employees from closing

(National Post) Two Toronto men have been charged in relation to a notorious anti-Israel protest in a downtown mall last month. Toronto police announced Sunday that two men were charged with unlawful assembly, mischief and assaulting a peace officer in connection with the Dec. […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Controversial government anti-racism consultant Laith Marouf is running now an anti-Israel channel Laith Marouf is the government-funded anti-racism consultant who had a record [of] hateful tweets about Jews, Francophones and black people

(National Post) Laith Marouf, the government-funded anti-racism consultant whose record of hateful tweets became an embarrassing controversy for the Liberals, is now the director of an anti-Israel online broadcaster. Free Palestine Television (FPTV) was launched after the Hamas massacre of Israeli civilians […]

Children & Teens

Ottawa youth charged in anti-Jewish terror plot had makings of bomb: police On Monday, the minor faced a total of five charges, including a second charge related to facilitating a terrorist activity and two new charges relating to explosives

(National Post) The Ottawa youth facing five terrorism- and explosive-related charges targeting Jewish people allegedly possessed bomb-making materials, such as chemicals and metal ball bearings, when he was arrested by the RCMP Friday. A detailed version of the charges against the minor […]

Clerics & Preachers

Antisemitic Egyptian sheikh was to be hosted by Ottawa-funded Muslim group Nashaat Ahmed was pulled from the speaker list of the Muslim Association of Canada's annual convention after inquiries from the Post

(National Post) Another year, another conference, another tableau of speakers associated with antisemitism, homophobia, misogyny and hatred. The convening organization is not the grotesque Goyim Defense League, a Hitler-admiring American neo-fascist groupuscule linked to a spate of graffiti, leaflets and posters the […]


Toronto 18 jihadi terror boss now works in an Ontario watch shop on day parole 'There has been no evidence of radicalization ... You appear to be committed to your long-term rehabilitation and your reintegration into the community has gone well'

(National Post) Zakaria Amara, once the firebrand leader of an al-Qaida-inspired terrorist group planning mass casualty attacks in Ontario, has been working at a watch shop and engaging in de-radicalization therapy while on day parole. No longer deemed a danger by the […]

Academics & Education

‘You don’t belong here’: Canadian teacher lambastes Muslim student for eschewing Pride In a statement, Edmonton Public Schools said they are 'taking steps to address the situation'

(National Post) In a particularly stark illustration of what appears to be a growing rift between Muslim communities and the Canadian public school system, an Edmonton teacher was allegedly caught on tape lambasting Muslim students for eschewing in-school Pride celebrations. “You are […]

Moderation & Reform

‘A real force of nature’: Pakistani-Canadian journalist Tarek Fatah dead from cancer at 73 Tarek Fatah, a self-described secular Muslim, was known for criticizing religious extremists and Pakistan nationalists

(National Post) Tarek Fatah, the Toronto Sun columnist, has died at the age of 73, his family has said. In more than a decade writing columns for the Sun, Fatah, who identified as a secular Muslim, distinguished himself with his acidic opinions […]

Government & Politics

More guests at Parliament Palestinian ‘solidarity’ event linked to antisemitic, pro-terrorist views Jewish organizations looking into the Canada-Palestine Parliamentary Friendship Group event call it 'disturbing'

(National Post) Yet another guest at a Palestinian “solidarity” event held on Parliament Hill allegedly made controversial comments online about the Holocaust and publicly praised a Palestinian terrorist group leader. On Wednesday, B’nai Brith revealed that Montreal’s Mahmoud Khalil was also in […]

Government & Politics

Canadian MPs attend ‘solidarity’ event with publisher of Holocaust denialism MP Salma Zahid says invitations to the reception were 'circulated widely,' and it was attended by nearly 150 people, including several MPs

(National Post) A Liberal cabinet minister, the leader of the Green Party and MPs from all other parties attended an event earlier this week that hosted the publisher of a newspaper known to publish Holocaust denialism and with a long history of […]


Toronto 18 terrorist leader gets parole after RCMP interrogation to show he isn’t a threat The intense scrutiny of Zakaria Amara's radicalization and subsequent deradicalization while in prison for the past 17 years was his idea. And it paid off

(National Post) Zakaria Amara, leader of an al-Qaida-inspired terrorist plot to explode truck bombs in Ontario in 2006, recently faced two days of interrogation by RCMP national security investigators to assess what threat he might still pose as he sought release on […]

News: North America

Toronto 18 terror attack plotter denied full parole; still ‘an undue risk’ despite progress 'It was the opinion of the board that the seriousness of your actions and their potentially devastating nature called for caution,' parole board says

(National Post) Shareef Abdelhaleem, one of the Toronto 18 terror plotters who tried to detonate large bombs in 2006, has been denied full parole despite his gregarious chat with parole board officials. His day parole, living in a halfway house in Montreal, […]

News: North America

Architect of Toronto 18 terror plot is loud and sometimes still angry — but not dangerous, he says 'I hope the board does not base their decision on whether for the next 30 years of my life I will ever get angry — of course I’ll get angry. It’s a human thing'

(National Post) Shareef Abdelhaleem, an architect of the Toronto 18 terror plot to blow up Canadian infrastructure, can be hard to stop once he starts talking. He’s brash, sometimes angry. His voice is loud. He can look intimidating. That doesn’t mean he […]

Government & Politics

Conservative senator demands to know why man linked to terrorist group is allowed to live in Canada 'The Trudeau government has a lot to answer for as their pledge to fight antisemitism appears to be nothing more than cynical politics'

(National Post) A Conservative senator grilled the governing Liberals Tuesday about why a man the Israelis say is a “high-ranking member” of a designated terrorist organization has been allowed to live in Vancouver. Last week, the National Post’s Terry Glavin wrote about […]

News: North America

Is Khaled Barakat part of a terrorist group or a victim of Israeli intimidation? Israeli intelligence is not alone in situating Barakat, who resides in Vancouver, in the upper echelons of the PFLP’s chain of command

(National Post) He’s a high-ranking member of a Palestinian terrorist organization best known for dramatic airplane hijackings, suicide bombings and a 2014 massacre at a Jerusalem synagogue that left several worshippers severely injured and five dead, including Toronto-born rabbi Howie Rothman. That’s […]

News: North America

Montreal jihadi who burned his Canadian passport allegedly held captive by al-Qaida affiliate in Syria In a notorious video, Sami Elabi douses his Canadian passport with flammable liquid, sets it on fire and then opens fire with an assault rifle

(National Post) A Canadian man who fought for the Islamic State — and starred in two of the terror group’s propaganda videos before quitting and disappearing — has been held captive by a militant group in Syria for more than a year, […]


Toronto 18 terror plot architect wants more computer access, but may not have to reveal passwords to parole officers Shareef Abdelhaleem has whined a lot about not having unlimited internet and being allowed only a single device [since] granted day parole 10 months ago, records say

(National Post) While a key architect of the Toronto 18 terrorism plot to detonate truck bombs in Toronto is pushing for more access to electronics while out of prison, the parole board is worried that requiring him to give his computer passwords […]

Government & Politics

O’Toole’s campaign chair Walied Soliman wins $500K defamation award against ‘alt-right’ commentator Daniel Bordman attacked O'Toole for having Soliman on his leadership team, including in one video titled: 'Erin O'Toole's Connections to the Muslim Brotherhood'

(National Post) Walied Soliman, a Muslim lawyer who chaired Erin O’Toole’s leadership campaign and the recent Conservative Party election campaign, has won a $500,000 defamation award against a self-styled “news commentator” who used YouTube and other internet platforms to accuse Soliman of […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Conservative Party disqualifies Jim Karahalios from leadership race after complaints over his behaviour The party did not say exactly what caused the disqualification, but there have been at least two incidents where people complained

(National Post) The Conservative Party has disqualified Jim Karahalios from the race following complaints over his behaviour. The party did not say exactly what caused the disqualification, but there have been at least two incidents where people complained about his behaviour. Karahalios […]

Banks & Banking

Tory leadership candidate Jim Karahalios accused of anti-Muslim ‘bigotry’ over letter Karahalios's letter, with the subject line: 'Say NO to Shariah Law. STOP Erin O'Toole,' targets O'Toole's campaign chair who is Muslim

(National Post) A mass-distributed letter by Conservative leadership candidate Jim Karahalios has sparked outrage in the party over using perceived anti-Muslim rhetoric to attack an Erin O’Toole campaign official, with O’Toole calling it “bigotry” that will lead to “electoral obliteration for our […]

Government & Politics

Voting guide for Canadian Muslims rated party leaders on their views on BDS movement, B’nai Brith says 'It is totally unacceptable that government funds have been used to promote an antisemitic movement in Canada,' said Michael Mostyn, CEO of B'nai Brith Canada

(National Post) A voting guide for Canadian Muslims rated federal political leaders on their views on a boycott campaign against Israel and was partly funded by a federal grant, a Jewish advocacy group said Friday. B’nai Brith Canada urged an end to […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Federal labour board upholds public servant’s firing over social media posts glorifying terrorism Investigators found numerous Twitter posts — now deleted — where A.B. cheered on terrorism attacks, including the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing

(National Post) A federal labour board has upheld the 2015 firing of a Canada Revenue Agency employee who worked next to the Calgary airport and wrote frequent Twitter and Facebook posts that “appeared to glorify the Boston Marathon terror bombing, celebrate the […]


Three former Guantanamo prisoners were cleared by the U.S. — but will Ottawa let them join their Canadian wives? A ruling in the case of Ayub Mohammed, who wants to move to Montreal, could have an impact on two other Uyghur men once held at Guantanamo

(National Post) It’s been more than a decade since U.S. authorities freed Ayub Mohammed from their Cuban prison, having decided he was not, after all, an “enemy combatant.” In that time the ethnic Uyghur from China has earned a business degree from […]

Government & Politics

After 17-year deportation fight over alleged terrorism ties, Toronto man sues federal government for $34M Between 1999 and 2016, the government signed three security certificates naming Jaballah, all of which ultimately failed to stand up in court

(National Post) One of the longest-running national security cases in Canada has resulted in a massive civil lawsuit, as an Egyptian-born Toronto man is suing the federal government for repeatedly trying to deport him over alleged ties to the 1998 terrorist bombings […]