Government & Politics

Congress moves to strip tax-exempt status of US nonprofits supporting terror If enacted, the proposed legislation could be used to go after CAIR and its well-documented ties to Hamas.

(JNS) On Sept. 11 — the 23rd anniversary of terror attacks — the U.S. House of Representatives received bipartisan approval for the markup of H.R. 9495, a bill that would terminate the tax-exempt status of terror-supporting organizations. The bill specifies how the […]

Arts & Entertainment

Muslim feminists denounce Islamist patriarchy at Beverly Hills event 'The problem is going to continue as long as we have organizations like CAIR having a seat,' said Zainab Khan, of Muslim American Leadership Alliance.

(JNS) Since the suicide attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, Muslim American voices like Zainab Zeb Khan’s “have been bullied into silence,” the founder of the Muslim American Leadership Alliance told an audience in Beverly Hills, Calif., on Monday. “I call this coerced […]

Government & Politics

Omar cites Holocaust, Jewish lawyer to support ICC probing Israeli leaders 'The International Criminal Court must be allowed to conduct its work independently and without interference,' the Squad member stated.

(JNS) U.S. President Joe Biden called it “outrageous” for the International Criminal Court to pursue arrest warrants for Israeli leaders, and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that Washington “fundamentally rejects” the decision of the court in The Hague. Rep. Ilhan […]

Government & Politics

FBI: Since Oct. 7, ‘almost every major terrorist org in world’ has threatened US 'We’ve also seen an uptick in threats against the Jewish community here in the United States and abroad,' said Robert Wells, assistant director of the FBI’s counterterrorism division.

(JNS) The United States has been in a “heightened terrorism threat environment” since Hamas’s Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel, and “almost every major terrorist organization in the world,” including Al-Qaeda and ISIS, have called for terror attacks against the United States, […]


Pew: Half of US Muslims say ‘valid’ Hamas reasons to fight Israel, 21% say Oct. 7 attack ‘acceptable’ Just 18% of U.S. Muslims said that Israel had valid reasons to go to war against Hamas.

(JNS) Regardless of how they feel about Oct. 7, almost half of U.S. Muslim adults (49%) say that Hamas had “valid” reasons to fight Israel, and 21% of that demographic said that Hamas’s terror attack on Oct. 7 was either “completely acceptable” […]

Academics & Education

Bereaved father from 2012 Toulouse attack: ‘We’re not safe but life goes on’ Yaacov Monsonego, director of the Ohr Torah (formerly Ozar Hatorah) school in the French city, lost his daughter Myriam to the terrorist shooting.

(JNS) On March 19, 2012, Mohammed Merah, a French-Algerian supporter of al-Qaeda, carried out a shooting attack on the Ozar Hatorah Jewish school in Toulouse, killing a teacher, Rabbi Jonathan Sandler, his two sons, Gabriel, 3, and Aryeh, 6, and an 8-year-old girl, Myriam […]

Clerics & Preachers

Imam in Miami: Hamas ‘digging a tunnel under the Atlantic Ocean, dude’ Fadi Kablawi proclaimed that 'Hamas is going to finish Israel, and they are going to start going to Europe and America.'

(JNS) The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) has again taken to task an Islamic preacher in Florida who recently advocated numerous antisemitic conspiracy theories during a religious service. Imam Fadi Kablawi gave a Friday sermon on Jan. 26 at Masjid As-Sunna[h] […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

British Columbia premier ‘very sorry’ for ‘pain, distraction’ on Holocaust Remembrance Day David Eby blamed an unnamed member of his team for posting the wrong message.

(JNS) “This province has no place for bigotry and racism. We stand with the Muslim community throughout Canada on this sorrowful day of remembrance.” So wrote David Eby, premier of the Canadian province of British Columbia and leader of the British Columbia […]


Outright Jew-hatred and support for terrorists on display during ‘March for Gaza’ in Washington From Hamas and Al-Qaeda flags to references to the Rothschilds and Nazis, ralliers went well beyond just 'from the river to the sea.'

(JNS) Speakers at a “March for Gaza” in Washington on Jan. 13 promised that Israel would cease to exist and, to the cheers of thousands of attendees, accused U.S. President Joe Biden of supporting genocide against Palestinians. Osama Abuirshaid, executive director of […]

News: North America

Marriott no longer hosting Muslim Federation event in South Florida The group called the cancellation 'a tragic result of fear and misinformation' and 'a sad day when Muslim Americans were prevented to assemble in some neighborhoods, leaving a stain on our collective conscience.'

(JNS) After the Middle East Forum charged that the Fort Lauderdale Marriott Coral Springs Hotel & Convention Center was to host a Jan. 12-13 event of the “region’s most extreme alliance of Islamist organizations,” the hotel canceled its contract with the South […]

Academics & Education

In San Diego, controversy surrounds an antisemitic imam and his wife Imam Taha Hassane has justified Hamas’s Oct. 7 terror attack, while Lallia Allali posted an image of a Star of David decapitating babies.

(JNS) On Dec. 8, the Palestine, Arab and Muslim Caucus of the California Faculty Association hosted an event — listed with the California State University, San Bernardino, logo — titled “Endangered Education: Teaching Palestine in Liberated K-12 Ethnic Studies.” Among the speakers […]

Children & Teens

Teens in France, Belgium arrested for plotting attack on Israel embassy 'And our target is the Jews. Killing only police officers is not effective,' the ringleader wrote in one discussion group.

(JNS) Three teenagers have been arrested in France and a fourth in Belgium for planning a terrorist attack against the Israeli embassy in Uccle, a municipality of Brussels. On Aug. 31, a French judge indicted for “criminal terrorist association” two high school […]

News: North America

Largest US Muslim group: ‘Maximum pressure’ on Israel, renege on Abraham Accords The statement from the United States Council of Muslim Organizations came just hours after widespread Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel.

(JNS) Instead of expressing condolences to innocent Jewish victims, the United States Council of Muslim Organizations, which bills itself as the “largest American Muslim civil society umbrella organization,” issued a statement urging Arab countries that had normalized relations with the Jewish state […]

Children & Teens

Netanyahu condemns ‘waves of antisemitism’ by rioters in France 'We support the French government in its fight against the scourge of antisemitism,' says Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

(JNS) Israel is closely monitoring and deeply concerned about “waves of antisemitism sweeping over France,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said during Sunday’s weekly Cabinet meeting. “In recent days, we have witnessed criminal assaults against Jewish targets. We strongly condemn these attacks […]


Conference in Baltimore features Islamist speakers with antisemitic histories Hatem Bazian, who was on a panel at the three-day event, said at a 2004 San Francisco rally: 'It’s about time that we have an intifada in this country.'

(JNS) The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and the Muslim American Society (MAS) concluded their three-day annual conference late last month at the Baltimore Convention Center. A number of activists and clerics with histories of antisemitism and anti-Israel statements were listed […]

Government & Politics

New research: $2 million in federal grants went to domestic Islamist groups 'The good news: That’s way down from the $16 million Trump sent them in 2018,' wrote Daniel Pipes, president of the Middle East Forum.

(JNS) Of 60 federal grants, worth $15 million, given to Muslim organizations in 2022, $2 million went to groups “controlled by Islamists or involved in Islamist networks.” That’s according to a May 3 article by Sam Westrop in Focus on Western Islamism. […]

Government & Politics

‘You look beautiful tonight,’ Biden tells Omar, Tlaib at White House Eid al-Fitr A few hours earlier, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the president has no plans to visit Israel for its 75th anniversary.

(JNS) At a reception in the White House’s East Room celebrating Eid al-Fitr, which concludes Ramadan, on Monday evening, U.S. President Joe Biden complimented two female members of Congress known for antisemitic statements on their looks. “Congresswoman Omar. Where are you, Congresswoman […]

Government & Politics

Omar no longer a speaker at US Commission on Religious Freedom event The congresswoman, who has a long history of antisemitic statements, was previously slated to speak at the release of the commission’s 2023 annual report.

(JNS) Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), who has compared boycotts of Israel and of Nazi Germany, was slated to deliver opening remarks at a U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom event on Yom Hazikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day for Fallen Soldiers and Terror Victims, […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Muslim reform groups praise Rep. Ilhan Omar’s ouster 'Ilhan Omar has no business whatsoever being on the House Foreign Affairs Committee,' co-founder of the Muslim Reform Movement M. Zuhdi Jasser told JNS.

(JNS) Accusations of Islamophobia came almost immediately after the U.S. House of Representatives voted earlier this month to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from its Foreign Affairs Committee. The vote followed repeated promises from House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) to remove the […]

Clerics & Preachers

‘Imam of Peace’ calls on Arabs, Muslims to embrace Israel Hassen Chalghoumi strives to bring people together to fight antisemitism and Islamism, more specifically political Islam.

(JNS) Born in Tunisia in 1972, Hassen Chalghoumi received his undergraduate degree from a university in Damascus before studying theology in Pakistan. The father of five children, he arrived in 1996 in France, where he became the imam of the Drancy mosque […]

Government & Politics

Ilhan Omar to be booted from House Foreign Affairs Committee, Kevin McCarthy says House Speaker Kevin McCarthy repeats promise to remove congresswoman with history of antisemitic comments from influential committee.

(JNS) House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on Tuesday repeated his promise to block vocal critic of Israel Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from the House Foreign Affairs Committee. In an interview with Punchbowl News, McCarthy said that he would also prevent Reps. Adam […]

Clerics & Preachers

US Muslim delegation to visit Abraham Accord countries Israel and Bahrain Talib Shareef, a prominent imam from Washington, D.C., will speak about the role of religious leaders in promoting peace.

(JNS) A delegation of American Muslim community leaders plans to visit two of the Abraham Accords countries, Bahrain and Israel. Sharaka — a Middle East-based NGO that promotes people-to-people peace and engagement — and the American Muslim and Multifaith Women’s Empowerment Council […]

Academics & Education

CUNY pulls former CAIR staffer from anti-Zionism investigation Prof. Jeffrey Lax says choosing a former employee of the Council on American–Islamic Relations to conduct the probe showed 'at best, extremely poor judgment.'

(JNS) The City University of New York (CUNY) has reversed course after it assigned a former employee of a vehemently anti-Israel NGO to investigate allegations of anti-Zionist discrimination. The probe came at the request of Prof. Jeffrey Lax, chair of the business […]

Government & Politics

Rep. Rashida Tlaib: Israel has apartheid system, two-state solution won’t work 'We need to change our policies when it comes to the state of Israel. We desperately need to look at it [through] a different lens,' Tlaib told Al Jazeera.

(JNS) U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) stated in an interview with the Al Jazeera network on Sept. 16 that she does not see how a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can work. She further claimed that Israel has an “apartheid system” […]

Government & Politics

Canadian Jewish groups call for action against hateful rhetoric against Israel, Jews 'The government must act against anti-Semitism and the promotion of terrorist groups,' said Michael Mostyn of B’nai Brith Canada.

(JNS) Jewish groups in Canada are decrying an Arabic-language magazine and human-rights organization for two separate incidents of anti-Israel activity. B’nai Brith Canada has called for the Canadian government to “dissolve” the not-for-profit corporation “Canadian Defenders for Human Rights” after that group’s […]

News: North America

Head of Palestinian American lobby group joins conference with terror-group members Osama Abuirshaid has openly expressed anti-Semitic views in the past; has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood; and has voiced support for Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran.

(JNS) The executive director of the new lobby group Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action) was a guest speaker at a recent conference in Jordan that also hosted members of Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine […]

Government & Politics

Bipartisan bill urges EU to designate Hezbollah fully as terrorist organization While based in the Middle East, Hezbollah 'derives financial support and political legitimacy from every region of the world,' stated Sen. Marsha Blackburn.

(JNS) A bipartisan group of senators introduced a bill on Thursday that calls on the European Union to fully designate Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. The legislation, introduced by Sens. Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.) and Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), seeks to encourage the 27-nation […]


Muslim journalist suspended from hosting German TV show over allegations of anti-Semitism Josef Schuster, president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, said WDR bears 'a great responsibility not to present anyone on the screen who could spread hatred of Israel.'

(JNS) A Muslim journalist was axed from her pending position as a TV host for a German science program after allegations came forward about her past anti-Semitic activity, including participation in the pro-Iran, anti-Israel Al-Quds march in Berlin in 2014. As reported […]

Academics & Education

Teaching assistant at Johns Hopkins threatened to fail pro-Israel students While the university has not issued a formal statement on the incident, Sunil Kumar, from the university’s provost office, said in an email to StandWithUs that it is 'aware of the incident.'

(JNS) Anti-Semitism watchdog groups are raising alarm over a graduate student and teaching assistant at Johns Hopkins University who threatened to fail pro-Israel students, while also making disparaging remarks about Israelis and white people. “We find it alarming that a teaching assistant […]

Government & Politics

Slovenia labels Hezbollah in its entirety as terrorist group It becomes the sixth European Union member after the Netherlands, Germany, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia to recognize the Iranian-sponsored Hezbollah as a terrorist organization.

(JNS) Slovenia’s government announced on Monday that it “adopted a decision on treating the Hezbollah Group as a criminal and terrorist organization posing a threat to peace and security.” The government noted that “Hezbollah’s activities are intertwined with organized crime and the […]

Government & Politics

Incoming senior Biden staffer justified suicide bombers during Second Intifada In 2002, Reema Dodin, then a student at the University of California, Berkeley, spoke about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, saying that 'suicide bombers were the last resort of a desperate people.'

(JNS) Reema Dodin, announced on Monday as a deputy director of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs for the incoming Biden administration, once praised suicide bombers during the Second Intifada. In 2002, Dodin, then a student at the University of California, […]

Government & Politics

Former CAIR employee, SJP president running for Florida city commissioner Noor Fawzy, a civil-litigation attorney, has an anti-Israel history that includes being the president of the Students for Justice in Palestine chapter at Florida Atlantic University

(JNS) A former leader of a campus anti-Israel group and employee of an organization that was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror case is running for a seat on the Coral Springs City Commission in Florida. Noor Fawzy, a […]

Clerics & Preachers

Democratic National Convention hosts imam from Islamic extremist institution Noman Hussain, imam of ISM Brookfield in Wisconsin, was one of the religious leaders who took part in the 'Interfaith Welcome Service.'

(JNS) The Democratic National Convention hosted an imam from an Islamic extremist institution on Sunday. Noman Hussain, imam of ISM Brookfield in Wisconsin, was one of the religious leaders who took part in the convention’s “Interfaith Welcome Service.” Hussain is a scholar […]


Terror-tied BDS group to hold ‘Days of Resistance’ in major cities worldwide 'It is inconceivable that a terrorist group like the PFLP is set to receive a warm welcome under the pretense of a civil organization,' said Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Orit Farkash-Hacohen.

(JNS) The Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, a BDS-promoting NGO with ties to the U.S.-designated terrorist group the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), will be leading “Days of Resistance” in major cities worldwide throughout this weekend. The protests are […]


ZOA calls on HIAS to end its ‘partnership’ with Hamas-linked Islamic group In addition to anti-Semitic statements, Islamic Relief Worldwide and its affiliates have ties to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

(JNS) The Zionist Organization of America is calling on HIAS to end its “partnership” and “collaboration” with the Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW), whose leadership has made anti-Semitic statements and is banned in Israel for its ties to Hamas. IRW director Heshmat Khalifa, […]

Government & Politics

Jewish Democratic Council says it won’t back Ilhan Omar, mum on endorsing her primary opponent Antone Melton-Meaux, one of four candidates challenging Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar in the primary, has critcized her record of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel remarks.

(JNS) The Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA) has affirmed that it will not support Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) in her upcoming primary, but did not provide [an] endorsement to her chief primary opponent, progressive Antone Melton-Meaux. Omar is set to face […]


ViacomCBS cancels event with Linda Sarsour as part of Women’s History Month 'The fact remains that the folks at ViacomCBS thought that a woman who lauded an anti-Semite like Louis Farrakhan is a symbol of "inclusion,"' said Dexter Van Zile, a researcher at CAMERA.

(JNS) ViacomCBS canceled an event this week featuring former Women’s March leader Linda Sarsour, who is known for her support of the anti-Israel BDS movement and has been accused of spreading anti-Semitism. The Women’s History Month event on Wednesday was specifically going to be […]


ViacomCBS to host BDS advocate Linda Sarsour as part of Women’s History Month 'Why would they help promote the idea of someone who has spoken in such ugly terms about American Jews and the victims of Islamist violence? It’s unbelievable!' exclaimed CAMERA researcher Dexter Van Zile.

(JNS) ViacomCBS is scheduled to host this month former Women’s March leader Linda Sarsour, who is known for her support of the anti-Israel BDS movement and has been accused of spreading anti-Semitism. “Join us 3/11 at 4:30 pm EST for a conversation […]

Government & Politics

Tlaib to address American Muslims for Palestine gala The anti-Israel group supports the BDS movement and was founded by Hatem Bazian, who co-founded Students for Justice in Palestine.

(JNS) Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) is scheduled to address the annual gala on Saturday as the guest of honor for the Missouri chapter of American Muslims for Palestine (AMP). Tlaib was the keynote speaker at AMP’s annual national conference in November 2019, […]

Government & Politics

Report: Hezbollah uses Germany as hub for terror The Lebanese Shi’ite terrorist organization’s operations in Europe include drug-trafficking, money-laundering, recruitment and fundraising, according to German security sources.

(JNS) As many as 1,050 Hezbollah members and supporters reside in Germany, and the organization uses the country as a major hub for its activities, German daily Tagesspiegel reported last week, citing security sources. The Lebanese Shi’ite terrorist group’s operations in Europe […]

Academics & Education

Watchdog group launches petition to keep CAIR off American college campuses An appeal by was launched in response to the CAIR chapter in Georgia, urging Georgia State University to end its relationship with the project Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange due to its partnership with Israel.

(JNS) The watchdog group is calling on the U.S. Department of Education and [Georgia] State University to keep the “terror-affiliated” Council on American-Islamic Relations off U.S. college campuses. “The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an American front group for the terrorist […]

Clerics & Preachers

Imam of entity tied to Holy Land case to speak at US State Department summit Mohamed Magid, current imam of the Virginia-based All Dulles Area Muslim Society Center, is slated to be on a general session panel titled 'Different Faiths Advancing Religious Freedom Together.'

(JNS) An imam of an organization affiliated with an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror case is scheduled to be part of a panel on Wednesday at the U.S. State Department’s second annual Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom in Washington, […]


Top-ranking Republican McCaul calls for ouster of Omar from committee 'I think Omar has to go,' said U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), eliciting wild applause and a standing ovation from the audience, though others will have to make that decision.

(JNS) U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), the ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said on Monday that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) should be removed from the committee for her anti-Semitic remarks. When asked by Michelle Makori of i24 News at […]

Government & Politics

Massachusetts pro-Israel groups condemn state Democratic lawmakers for joint CAIR event 'We believe that our commonwealth is stronger when faith communities and elected leaders come together and stand with each other in public civic space.'

(JNS) A number of Massachusetts Jewish and pro-Israel groups are condemning several Democratic state lawmakers for participating in an Eid al-Fitr event at the Massachusetts State House being co-hosted by the Massachusetts branch of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which has […]

Clerics & Preachers

Imam of entity tied to Holy Land case to be at American Jewish Committee forum Mohamed Magid is scheduled to be part of the 'Rabbis Roundtable Breakfast' in a discussion titled 'Building a Golden Age of Muslim-Jewish Relations: Overcoming Challenges and Seizing Opportunities.'

(JNS) An imam of an organization affiliated with an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror case is scheduled to be part of a roundtable discussion at the American Jewish Committee’s annual global forum in Washington, D.C., which will take place […]