
Italy adopts hardline immigration law

(Gatestone) The Italian Parliament has approved a tough new immigration and security law that will make it easier to deport migrants who commit crimes and strip those convicted of terrorism of their Italian citizenship. Italy’s lower house of parliament, the Camera dei […]

Government & Politics

Is Canada’s government funding terrorism?

(Gatestone) Canadian taxpayers have unwittingly been funding terrorism for more than two decades, often through federally registered charities, many of which have since been banned in other countries and subsequently by Ottawa as well. The International Relief Fund for the Afflicted and […]

Clerics & Preachers

UK: Anjem Choudary released from prison

(Gatestone) The Islamist firebrand preacher Anjem Choudary, described as Britain’s “most dangerous extremist,” has been released from prison after serving only half of the five-and-a-half-year sentence he received in 2016 for pledging allegiance to the Islamic State. Prison authorities could not prevent […]


Welcome to sanctuary Sweden!

(Gatestone) Are you in a European country illegally, flouting your deportation requirement and instead committing arson? No problem. If the country to which you are to be returned might conceivably harm you (details unspecified), you are welcome instead to stay in Sweden, […]


Germany: Stifling dissent to mass migration

(Gatestone) In Communist East Germany, truth-telling involved risks. The penalty for it was often loss of one’s professional career and social status, if not more. Today, challenging the state-approved narrative in Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Germany can sometimes have similar consequences. Germany’s intelligence […]

Government & Politics

Hungary defiant in the face of EU censure

(Gatestone) The European Parliament has voted to pursue unprecedented disciplinary action against Hungary over alleged breaches of the European Union’s “fundamental values.” The EU has accused the Hungarian government of attacks against the media, minorities and the rule of law. Hungarian Prime […]


Europe: Prayer in public spaces

(Gatestone) A few months ago, a global media tempest erupted after Polish Catholics held a mass public prayer event across the country. The BBC deemed it “controversial,” due to “concerns it could be seen as endorsing the state’s refusal to let in […]

Government & Politics

Germany: Rise of the Salafists

(Gatestone) The number of Salafists in Germany has doubled over the last five years and now exceeds 10,000 for the first time, according to Germany’s BfV domestic intelligence agency. BfV estimates that Germany is home to more than 25,000 Islamists, nearly 2,000 […]

Academics & Education

The relentless radicalization of Sweden

(Gatestone) A new study of Salafism in Sweden, conducted by the Swedish Defence University, paints a bleak picture of the ongoing radicalization of Muslims in Sweden. The Salaf are the “pious ancestors” during the first three generations of the followers of Mohammed; […]


Germany outlaws Turkish boxing gang

(Gatestone) German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer has banned a Turkish boxing gang called “Osmanen Germania BC” (“Germania Ottomans”) on the grounds that it poses a serious threat to public order. The gang, most of whose members are Turkish Germans, is said to […]