Academics & Education

UK revokes visa of law student who addressed pro-Palestine protest Dana Abuqamar says her comments at a rally last year which raised suspicion were mischaracterised.

(Al-Jazeera) The United Kingdom has revoked the visa of a Palestinian student after she participated in a pro-Palestine demonstration at her university. Dana Abuqamar told Al Jazeera that the Home Office withdrew her visa casting her as a “national security” threat, following […]

Banks & Banking

Like Nigel Farage, British Muslims say they are being ‘de-banked’ Often without providing clear reasons, major high-street banks appear to be disproportionately closing the accounts of British Muslims, members of the minority group and experts say.

(Al-Jazeera) Two months ago, the Cordoba Foundation, a British think tank, was organising a forum in central London about political tensions in Tunisia. But when trying to settle invoices, its efforts to pay for the event failed. “Multiple attempts to pay the […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

US may elect first Muslim senator. Why are few Muslims thrilled? Donald Trump-backed Mehmet Oz’s Senate bid fails to produce enthusiasm seen with previous Muslim firsts in US.

(Al-Jazeera) The United States may elect its highest-ranking Muslim official next week — a Donald Trump-backed Republican who has questioned the legitimacy of the 2020 elections. Mehmet Oz, a television personality and retired surgeon of Turkish descent, is running in Pennsylvania against […]


Afghan refugees protest delayed visas at US embassy in Madagascar Afghan refugees living in the east African island nation say they lack basic support and want to be relocated to the US.

(Al-Jazeera) A group of refugees from Afghanistan has gathered in front of the United States embassy in Madagascar’s capital, Antananarivo, calling for their cases to be expedited after years of waiting. At least a dozen Afghans including both adults and children gathered […]

Government & Politics

US Congress must understand ‘trauma’ of Nakba, Rashida Tlaib says The US legislator, who introduced resolution to recognise Palestinian displacement, tells Al Jazeera ‘Nakba hasn’t stopped.’

(Al-Jazeera) It’s important for United States lawmakers to understand the “trauma and pain” of the Palestinian Nakba, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has said, urging Washington to condition aid to Israel on its rights record. Tlaib introduced a congressional resolution earlier this week to […]

Government & Politics

US Congress: Rashida Tlaib introduces Nakba resolution Congresswoman says measure aims to recognise forced displacement of Palestinians during establishment of Israeli state.

(Al-Jazeera) US Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has said she introduced a resolution to recognise the Palestinian Nakba, a term used to describe the forced displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in the lead-up to the establishment of the state of Israel in […]


French lawyer attacks EU over poster featuring Muslim woman Social media outburst puts France’s treatment of its minority Muslim population — the largest in Europe — back in the spotlight.

(Al-Jazeera) A French lawyer has criticised the European Union over an advertisement for its Conference on the Future of Europe event featuring a hijab-wearing Muslim woman. Thibault de Montbrial, an adviser to France’s centre-right presidential hopeful Valerie Pecresse, said the use of […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

US Muslims call for action as ‘spying’ incidents shake community Council on American-Islamic Relations says it uncovered a ‘mole’ within its organisation and a ‘spy’ at a US mosque.

(Al-Jazeera) First, the major Muslim-American advocacy group reported that a “mole” had infiltrated the leadership of one of its state branches. Then, only days later, the organisation said a “spy” at a US mosque had passed information on to an “anti-Muslim” group. […]

Government & Politics

Denmark: Plan to further limit ‘non-Western’ residents draws ire The government has proposed further reducing the number of ‘non-Western’ residents in certain areas in a bid to eradicate what it calls ‘ghettos.’

(Al-Jazeera) When Ahmad Salamoun received an eviction notice at the home he has lived in for more than 30 years, in Helsingør, painful memories flooded back to him. Salamoun arrived in the Danish city, known as the setting to Shakespeare’s Hamlet, in […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

French ‘separatism’ bill risks discriminating Muslims: Amnesty Rights group says ‘many problematic provisions’ of the draft law, which heads to the Senate on Tuesday, should be scrapped or amended.

(Al-Jazeera) As the French Senate prepares to debate the so-called “anti-separatism” bill, human rights group Amnesty International has made a last-minute appeal for “many problematic provisions” of the draft law to be scrapped or amended. The Senate debate on Tuesday comes after […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

‘French Muslims will suffer’ under separatism rules, critics say Civil rights groups, academics and experts raise alarm ahead of key vote on controversial bill.

(Al-Jazeera) On October 2 last year, French President Emmanuel Macron announced a law against what he called “Islamist separatism” aimed at tackling “radical” movements in the country. He described Islam as a religion “in crisis” globally, as he sought to boost support […]

Clerics & Preachers

Danish minister’s comment on sex before marriage angers Muslims Mattias Tesfaye has suggested the Muslim community should support the ‘right’ to sex before marriage for Muslim women.

(Al-Jazeera) A Danish minister has caused outrage among the Muslim minority for suggesting imams and community leaders should publicly support the “right” to have sex before marriage for women. Mattias Tesfaye, foreign affairs and integration minister, said in a Facebook post last […]

Government & Politics

US ‘Muslim ban’ set to end ‘on day one’ of Biden presidency President-elect has pledged to immediately halt travel restrictions imposed by the Trump administration on more than a dozen nations.

(Al-Jazeera) On the first day of his presidency, president-elect Joe Biden intends to rescind Donald Trump’s travel bans on travellers from 13 countries, most either majority-Muslim or African nations. Shortly after taking office in 2017, Trump issued an executive order that banned […]

Government & Politics

Macron says he understands Muslims’ shock over prophet cartoons In an exclusive interview with Al Jazeera, French President Emmanuel Macron says he understands the ‘sentiments’ being expressed by the Muslim world over cartoons of Prophet Muhammad.

(Al-Jazeera) French President Emmanuel Macron says he understands the feelings of Muslims who are shocked by the displaying of cartoons of Prophet Muhammad but added that the “radical Islam” he is trying to fight is a threat to all people, especially Muslims. […]

Government & Politics

New French PM says battle against ‘radical Islamism’ a priority Castex said a law to combat 'separatism' will be introduced after summer, but critics say Muslims will be targeted.

(Al-Jazeera) France’s newly-appointed prime minister, Jean Castex, has vowed to be “intransigent” in defending France’s official secularism, promising to fight “radical Islamism in all its forms” as “an absolute priority.” Unveiling new government policy in Paris on Wednesday, Castex told the National […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Muslim Caucus highlights need for greater political engagement Two-day Muslim Caucus conference focused on communicating no Muslim politician should be reduced to their faith alone.

(Al-Jazeera) Participants at the first national gathering of Muslims in politics in the United States spoke of the two-day event, which ended on Wednesday, as an opportunity [to] move American Muslim communities beyond the defensive posture they have been forced to take […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Ilhan Omar: I’m going to unmask the system of oppression in US At historic conference, Muslim Caucus condemns Trump's attacks, calls for infrastructure for organising Muslim Americans

(Al-Jazeera) An event in Washington, DC, on Tuesday, billed as the first national gathering of Muslims in politics in United States history, began with a resounding … rebuke of racism and Islamophobia emanating from the White House, and a call for Muslims […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Muslim Caucus to hold first conference amid Trump’s attacks Ilhan Omar, others set to speak at first annual conference. Most major 2020 candidates are not attending.

(Al-Jazeera) Muslim political leaders and academics are set to gather in Washington, DC, on Tuesday for what is being billed as the first national gathering of Muslims in politics in United States history. The historic moment comes as President Donald Trump and […]

Government & Politics

Italy’s Muslims uneasy after election of far-right government Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has threatened to shut mosques and said Islam is 'incompatible with the constitution.'

(Al-Jazeera) On Friday after midday, on a tree-lined residential street in southeastern Rome, people speak an assortment of languages and dialects, from north African Arabic to the local Roman slang. The bottom floor of a peeling post-war building hosts a “prayer home.” […]