Arts & Entertainment

Antisemitism accusations over rapper split France’s left A tweet by the rapper Médine is dividing parties in the hard left-Green Nupes coalition that currently leads in French polls.

(Politico) The left’s antisemitism problem has taken center-stage in France. The summer jamborees of the French Green party and the hard left were supposed to be opportunities to discuss climate change, wealth inequalities and next year’s European elections in a festive, holiday […]

Children & Teens

Mohammed tops the name list of arrested French rioters Despite French authorities denying the migrant background of many of the rioters, French police statistics show that the name Mohammed was the most common among those arrested during the rioting earlier this month.

(European Conservative) Over 2,300 people have been arrested in connection with the multiple-day riots that shook France earlier this month following the fatal shooting of a teen named Nahel in the Paris suburb of Nanterre. Many have speculated about a connection between […]