
Denmark’s Quran-burning ban draws sharp criticism Denmark now bows to the demands of dictatorial Middle Eastern regimes, Danish People’s Party MP Mikkel Bjørn Sørensen said.

(European Conservative) The decision taken by the left-liberal majority in the Danish parliament, the Folketing, late last week to ban public Quran burning has garnered sharp criticism from both domestic politicians and political leaders in neighboring Scandinavian countries, with many arguing the […]

Academics & Education

Danish commission says government should ban hijab at schools A commission appointed by the Danish government has recommended a ban on young girls wearing the hijab or Muslim head scarf at schools.

(Local) A commission appointed by the Danish government has recommended a ban on young girls wearing the hijab or Muslim head scarf at schools. The commission argues that wearing the hijab marks our Danish Muslim girls as being different from other Danish […]

Clerics & Preachers

Naser Khader faces Supreme Court lawsuit in connection with calling female imam an Islamist Undeterred by defeat in the High Court last year, Sherin Khankan has continued with her bid to see justice

(Copenhagen Post) Naser Khader, who stepped down from his duties as a Konservative MP to take stress leave in April, will today begin his defence in the Supreme Court against charges that he libelled the female imam Sherin Khankan. Like she did […]

Children & Teens

Government appoints working group to decide future of Danish children in Syrian camps PM firm that six mothers cannot return, but their 19 kids should know their fate by mid-May

(Copenhagen Post) PM Mette Frederiksen and her government remain opposed to six Danish women, who voluntarily travelled to the Islamic State’s terrorist caliphate in the mid-2010s to be with their IS warrior partners, returning home from two camps in the north of […]