
Majority of Swedes favor ban on Quran burning: survey Increase in public support comes as government looking to discuss regulation that would prevent provocative acts of targeting Muslim holy book

(Anadolu) Swedes who want a ban to be introduced for burning the Quran and other holy books have increased to 53%, two points higher than the previous poll. The latest survey was conducted by the Swedish opinion poll company SIFO. Some 37% […]


Swedish MP’s participation in Hamas-tied conference sparks uproar The Social Democrats, who led Sweden as recently as 2021, advised its representatives not to attend the conference, but El-Haj went anyway

(Jerusalem Post) Swedish legislator Jamal El-Haj, a member of the Riksdag, the national legislature, may face consequences in his Swedish Social Democratic Party after attending a conference affiliated with Hamas. The opposition lawmaker participated in “The 20th European Palestinians Conference: 75 Years […]

Academics & Education

Sweden banning Islamic schools Closing Islamic schools is political decision with anti-Islamic motives, says Swedish politician

(Anadolu) Despite many being among the best-performing schools in the country, the Swedish government continues to close down Islamic academic institutions in a bid to push “anti-Islamic rhetoric” and “stop privatization” in education. Earlier this year, the Nordic country’s then-Educational Minister Lena […]

Government & Politics

Swedish city plagued by anti-Semitism to invest millions to fight phenomenon Jewish residents of the city of Malmo say they are still hesitant to openly wear any symbols of Judaism but hope the city's initiatives, for which some $2 million have been allocated, will put an end to their fears

(Ynet) The Swedish city of Malmo, plagued by anti-Semitism in recent years, has finally decided to allocate funds to fight the phenomenon after an outcry from the local Jewish community. The city’s municipality announced that it will invest some 20 million Swedish […]