Government & Politics

Biden’s low approval among US Muslim voters ‘a challenge’ for upcoming midterms With the US midterms approaching in November, Muslims' low approval ratings for the Biden administration and for Congress should be of concern for candidates.

(New Arab) If US President Joe Biden looks like he’s in trouble with the average voter in the United States, then there’s even worse news for him among Muslim voters. A new survey of US Muslim voters released Wednesday by the Council […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Ilhan Omar urges creation of special envoy role to combat global anti-Muslim hate 'We are seeing a rise in Islamophobia in nearly every corner of the globe,' the Democratic representative said.

(HuffPost) The federal government would have a dedicated, high-ranking official monitoring Islamophobic incidents worldwide under a new bill being introduced Thursday by Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.). The special envoy for monitoring and combatting Islamophobia, which would be embedded […]


Islamist who defended murderers of Jews to speak at Tree of Life anti-hate summit Bush, ADL, Biden cabinet member join with hater to fight hate.

(FrontPage) In October, former President George W. Bush, Biden’s DHS secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, ADL boss Jonathan Greenblatt, and other notables will descend on the massive Lawrence Convention Center in downtown Pittsburgh. The occasion isn’t a party convention, but the inaugural Eradicate Hate […]

Government & Politics

New poll reveals how much we presume about Muslim Americans’ politics Two decades after 9/11, Americans are still getting to know their Muslim neighbors. New data may help.

(Religion News) Twenty years ago, Americans hardly gave their Muslim neighbors a thought. Then came 9/11, and our opinions suddenly blossomed. Two decades later we may be past assuming that Muslims want to topple the American government, but other supposed givens — […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

US rights group call[s] out Facebook on ‘anti-Muslim hate’ content Recent congressional testimony has once again highlighted what appears to be neglect by Facebook regarding the hosting of hate content on its pages.

(New Arab) After the congressional testimony by Facebook whistle-blower Frances Haugen about hate speech on the platform, a Muslim rights group in the US is calling for greater accountability of the social media giant. Facebook has come under fire for allegations that it has […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Biden urged to appoint envoy to counter Islamophobia ‘epidemic’ The US Council of Muslim Organisations is urging the Biden administration to create an office to monitor and combat anti-Muslim attacks

(Middle East Eye) A coalition of Muslim organisations in the US is calling on the administration of President Joe Biden to create an envoy that would monitor and combat Islamophobia, which the groups say plays an interconnected threat to Muslims around the […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Congress members demand Facebook take steps to ‘eradicate’ anti-Muslim bias Lawmakers issue a list of demands for Facebook, including creating a working group that addresses anti-Muslim bigotry and hate groups

(Middle East Eye) A group of 30 Democratic members of Congress on Tuesday sent a letter to Facebook criticising the social media giant for allowing anti-Muslim sentiments to spread on its platform, and are demanding it takes concrete steps to “eradicate anti-Muslim […]

Government & Politics

Canada launches Lebanon fund that includes group with alleged Hamas ties The charity accused of Hamas ties, Islamic Relief, is among a dozen ... charities announced as partners in the Canadian government's Lebanon Matching Fund.

(Jerusalem Post) The government of Canada has launched a new aid fund consisting of numerous partner charities aimed at relieving suffering in Beirut, Lebanon, following an explosion that has left thousands of people homeless and over 150 dead, which includes a charity […]

Government & Politics

Biden’s plan for Muslim Americans: A ‘good start’ but missing policy details Activists call for more specifics from Biden's campaign and urge direct engagement with Muslim community

(Middle East Eye) Joe Biden has released a plan to protect the civil rights of Muslim Americans and reverse some of Donald Trump’s Islamophobic decrees if elected president. The plan, titled “Joe Biden’s agenda for Muslim-American communities,” vows to undo Trump’s Muslim ban on […]