
Danish opposition parties ask MPs to ensure parliament attendance to reject bill banning Quran burning Government's bill expected to be moved for voting during current parliamentary session, which begins after autumn recess

(Anadolu) Five Danish opposition parties announced on Tuesday that they will mobilize as many of their MPs as possible to oppose the government’s bill to criminalize defaming religious symbols, including the Muslim holy book, Quran. The bill is expected to be moved […]


Muslims in the Netherlands protest attacks against Quran Protesters carry copies of Muslim holy book, signs that read: 'The Qur'an gives us light to guide us, fire cannot burn the Sun'

(Anadolu) Muslims participated Saturday in a protest organized by Islamic organizations in the Dutch city of The Hague amid ongoing Islamophobic incidents around Europe. Protesters carried copies of [the] Quran and gathered in Malieveld Square. They had signs that read: “The Qur’an […]


Swedish premier says he ‘respects’ Denmark’s plan to criminalize desecration of Quran Sweden would have to amend Constitution should it choose to follow Denmark's move, says Ulf Kristersson

(Anadolu) The Swedish prime minister on Friday voiced respect for Denmark’s step toward criminalizing the public desecration of religious scriptures. “I have great respect for what Denmark is doing,” Ulf Kristersson said in a news conference, according to local media. He added […]


Iraqi refugees set fire to Quran outside Swedish Parliament in Stockholm Both Momika and Najem have repeatedly stated that they want the Quran banned completely in the Nordic nation, which has broad free speech laws.

(Euronews) Two men set fire to a copy of the Quran on Monday in front of the Swedish Parliament in Stockholm, in a rally similar to previous events that provoked a diplomatic crisis between Sweden and the Muslim world. Smiling wryly, Salwan […]


Islamists rally outside European Parliament over Swedish Quran burning Shouts of 'Allahu Akbar' were heard right outside the Parliament as an almost exclusively male crowd gathered at Place du Luxembourg.

(European Conservative) Approximately 200 Muslim protestors gathered outside the European Parliament Wednesday, July 19th, as Islamic groups in Brussels rallied against the controversial burning of the Quran in Sweden. Shouts of “Allahu Akbar” were heard right outside the Parliament as an almost […]


EU says Quran burning has ‘no place in Europe’ but leaves ban debate open Top official says burning a 'book that is considered to be holy is not in line with our fundamental values'

(National-UAE) The EU’s co-ordinator on combating anti-Muslim hatred told the National on Thursday that the bloc sees Quran-burning protests as having “no place in Europe” but said it was up to individual countries whether to ban them. Marion Lalisse said EU states […]


Far-right Paludan banned from Danish political festival for being ‘risk to other participants’ Earlier this year, Danish politician torched copies of Islam's holy book Quran in Denmark, drawing worldwide condemnation

(Anadolu) A far-right Danish Islamophobic politician known for his controversial Quran-burning protests in Denmark has been banned from participating in the Folkemodet political festival on the island of Bornholm. The local police authorities on Tuesday imposed the ban on the presence of […]


Sweden arrests far-right politician Rasmus Paludan in absentia: report Arrest warrant issued for Paludan who burned copy of Quran outside Turkish Embassy in Stockholm earlier this year

(Anadolu) Far-right Danish-Swedish politician Rasmus Paludan, who burned a copy of the Quran earlier this year, has been reportedly arrested in absentia in Sweden. The Malmo Prosecutor’s Office issued an arrest warrant for Paludan on suspicion of “several crimes,” Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet […]


Norway bans protest over ‘security concerns’ amid fears of Quran burning Norwegian media report that a group of anti-Islam protesters planned to destroy a copy of the Quran at the demonstration

(National-UAE) A planned demonstration outside the Turkish embassy in Oslo has been banned amid fears it would become a Quran-burning protest, Norwegian police have said. Turkey summoned Norway’s ambassador on Thursday over the planned protest that was expected to take place on […]


Police: Nato protesters planned, then decided against, Koran burning at Helsinki demo After learning about the plans on social media, police told organisers before the demonstration that burning such a book would be illegal.

(Yle) Some protesters planned to burn a Koran at an anti-Nato demonstration held in Helsink[i] last week, but then reconsidered after learning it would be against the law, according to city police. The Helsinki Police Department’s chief inspector, Heikki Porola, told Yle […]


Muslim-American group urges Swedish government to condemn Quran burning Prime minister’s statement does not clearly convey that government 'unequivocally rejects Islamophobia as a form of hate and bigotry,' says CAIR

(Anadolu) The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) called on the Swedish government Tuesday to condemn the recent burning of the Muslim holy book, the Quran, outside the Turkish Embassy in Stockholm. ”While CAIR does not hold the government of Sweden responsible for […]