Government & Politics

Muslim leaders meet in Toronto to declare support for Jews and combat antisemitism Over four hundred people packed into a midtown venue to hear speakers assembled by the non-profit Council of Muslims Against Antisemitism

(National Post) A global network of Muslim thought leaders convened in Toronto on Sunday afternoon to discuss ways to combat antisemitism coming from within their community. Over 400 people packed into a midtown venue to hear speakers assembled by the non-profit Council […]

Moderation & Reform

Quilliam: British ‘counter-extremist’ group closes citing lack of funds Co-founder Maajid Nawaz says on Twitter that the Covid-19 pandemic hit the 'non-profit' organisation hard

(Middle East Eye) British “counter-extremist” organisation Quilliam has announced that it is closing down, citing financial hardship. In a statement on Twitter, co-founder Maajid Nawaz said the closure had been finalised on Friday. “Due to the hardship of maintaining a non-profit during […]