Children & Teens

Prince William says young Manchester bombing survivors ‘must have feelings heard’ Report finds teenagers dealing with trauma after 2017 attack were 'let down by adults in authority'

(National-UAE) Many young survivors of the Manchester Arena bombing were “let down by adults in authority” as they dealt with mental trauma in the aftermath, a study has found six years after the attack. Britain’s Prince William hailed the youngsters as “an […]

Government & Politics

UK minister Sajid Javid makes rare visit to Western Wall, Temple Mount In black skullcap, Muslim-born Cabinet minister visits Jewish holy site in contested Old City of Jerusalem, reassures Palestinians Britain still committed to 2-state solution

(Times of Israel) UK Home Secretary Sajid Javid on Monday made a rare visit to Jerusalem’s Western Wall and Temple Mount on the last day of [his] three-day visit to Israel and the West Bank. Javid, who comes from a Muslim family, […]