Government & Politics

Rochdale loyalties tested by Galloway’s Labour challenge on Gaza policy Flamboyant MP tells the National his by-election victory was a signal that British Muslims could provide a significant general election upset

(National-UAE) Rochdale, says its current MP George Galloway, will be remembered as the place where Britain’s Muslims saw that there was a new way of finding a political voice. His view, although bound with self-interest, was certainly borne out during the National’s […]

Academics & Education

Malta imam says religious vilification should be illegal, in France murder reaction Imam Mohammed El Sadi claimed the publication of Charlie Hebdo cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad played into the hands of Muslim extremists and extreme right groups

(Malta Today) The imam of the Paola mosque, Mohammed El Sadi, has once again called for the criminalisation of blasphemy and the mocking of faiths, in a reaction to the fanatical murder of a French teacher who displayed the notorious Charlie Hebdo […]