
St. Louis Park man sentenced to 10 years for joining, fighting for ISIS overseas Abdelhamid Al-Madioum has since said he 'joined a death cult' and has helped the FBI investigate terror cases around the country.

(Star Tribune) One sleeve of Abdelhamid Al-Madioum’s orange sweatshirt dangled where his right arm once was as he walked into a Minneapolis federal courtroom Thursday a decade older than he was when he began devouring the terror propaganda that led him to […]


Minnesotan will be sentenced for fighting for ISIS: ‘I joined a death cult’ As federal authorities stopped groups of Minnesotans from traveling to ISIS territory a decade ago, Abdelhamid Al-Madioum escaped detection. His survival and return home was no less astonishing.

(Star Tribune) The Islamic State group’s territory was wasting away five years ago when a member from Minnesota desperately dug a trench around his young family’s tent to protect against airstrikes in the eastern Syrian village of Baghouz. By then, Abdelhamid Al-Madioum […]

Government & Politics

Ottawa asks court to dismiss ruling directing it to repatriate 4 men detained in Syria Is the Canadian government under a legal obligation to repatriate four men detained?

(CBC) The federal government says the Federal Court of Appeal should dismiss a high-profile ruling ordering Canada to bring home four Canadian men detained in northeastern Syrian prisons for suspected ISIS members. Government lawyers told a Toronto court that the Federal Court […]

Law Enforcement

Calgary mother freed from ISIS detention camp now under investigation for terrorism, war crimes: court docs Defence lawyer says RCMP should not be monitoring and investigating the woman

(CBC) A Canadian woman who was held for two years at an ISIS detention camp in Syria is now under investigation for terrorism offences and war crimes. However, her lawyer has suggested RCMP officers are exploiting their powers by both monitoring and investigating the […]

Children & Teens

A young American girl whose mother joined ISIS and died has been rescued, a former US diplomat says Eight-year-old Aminah Mohamad, the daughter of an American woman from Tennessee who joined ISIS in 2014, awaits her fate outside a Syrian detention camp.

(BuzzFeed) An American-born girl who grew up under ISIS control was rescued from a Syrian detention camp last month after the girl’s mother — a US citizen who left the country and in 2014 joined the terrorist organization — and her father […]

Children & Teens

Canada shirking responsibility for families of ISIS militants in detention camps: Syrian Kurdish official Kurdish authorities say one camp has Canadian woman with 2 sick children

(CBC) Kurdish authorities responsible for the prisons and detention camps holding ISIS militants and their family members in northern Syria have accused Canada of shirking its responsibility by failing to bring Canadian women and children home, despite offers of assistance. “Let’s leave […]