
Rescued Israeli hostage suing US nonprofit linked to Hamas operative who held him Almog Meir Jan was held in the home of Abdallah Aljamal, contributor for the Palestine Chronicle, which is run by the tax-exempted group People Media Project

(Fox) A rescued Israeli hostage is filing a lawsuit Tuesday against a U.S. nonprofit with financial ties to the Hamas operative who reportedly kept him prisoner. Almog Meir Jan, 22, was held captive by Hamas for nearly 250 days after the Oct. […]

Government & Politics

GOP senators press IRS to revoke tax-exempt status of ‘Palestine Chronicle’ nonprofit tied to Hamas hostage taker 'While Aljamal may have played a journalist by day, the evidence clearly suggests he was, at minimum, a Hamas collaborator,' letter says

(Free Beacon) A coalition of senators on Wednesday petitioned the IRS and other federal law enforcement agencies to launch an investigation into the Palestine Chronicle, alleging the nonprofit outlet violated its tax-exempt status by routinely publishing a Hamas hostage taker, the Washington […]

Academics & Education

Daughter of ‘Palestine Chronicle’ editor works for American Muslims for Palestine Anti-Israel org is facing lawsuit alleging it provides 'substantial assistance' to Hamas

(Free Beacon) The daughter of Palestine Chronicle editor in chief Ramzy Baroud works for American Muslims for Palestine, a leading anti-Israel group that has defended Hamas terrorism and spearheaded anti-Semitic campus protests — activism that prompted Israeli terror victims to sue the […]