Government & Politics

Pro-Gaza candidates capture seats from Labour as Muslim heartlands revolt Keir Starmer's party suffers startling loss of support in once-safe constituencies despite national landslide win

(National-UAE) Pro-Palestinian candidates scored shock wins in the UK general election, as Britain’s new Labour government suffered a startling loss of support in heavily Muslim areas. Independent candidate Shockat Adam declared “this is for Gaza” as he unseated Labour front-bencher Jonathan Ashworth […]

Government & Politics

Rochdale loyalties tested by Galloway’s Labour challenge on Gaza policy Flamboyant MP tells the National his by-election victory was a signal that British Muslims could provide a significant general election upset

(National-UAE) Rochdale, says its current MP George Galloway, will be remembered as the place where Britain’s Muslims saw that there was a new way of finding a political voice. His view, although bound with self-interest, was certainly borne out during the National’s […]