
Michael Gove says ‘good-hearted people’ at pro-Palestine marches should question potential ‘extremist organisers’ Tens of thousands of people participated in a Gaza protest on Saturday in London — the fifth march in the capital this year — which saw five arrests and a counter-protester de-arrested.

(Sky News) Michael Gove has urged pro-Palestinian protesters to question whether extremist groups are behind some of the demonstrations — days ahead of publishing a new official definition of extremism. The housing secretary said “good-hearted people” attending the marches should be aware […]

News: Europe

Palestinian Solidarity Campaign distances itself from event with terrorist hijacker The PSC now says fundraising event featuring Leila Khaled 'did not clearly fall within the framework of the principles' it believes in

(Jewish News) The Palestine Solidarity Campaign has attempted to distance itself from an event advertised as a fundraiser for its West Midlands branch following an outcry after it emerged the Palestinian plane hijacker Leila Khaled is set to be among the speakers. […]

Academics & Education

UK to create ‘blacklist’ of Muslim groups under new extremism definition Government is bringing in robust changes to target groups and individuals 'undermining' British values

(National-UAE) The UK government is creating a “blacklist” of organisations under a new definition of extremism which would see their funding cut. Several Muslim groups are likely to be on the list after being singled out in government reports. The groups facing […]


Terrorist to help lead protests of Zionist Congress 125th in Switzerland A key figure and speaker at the anti-Israel protest is both a PFLP member and a Samidoun activist.

(Jerusalem Post) A member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terrorist organization is one of the key speakers and leading figures of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement-affiliated August 27-28 protest of the 125th anniversary of the […]