
Germany debates deportations to Afghanistan, Syria A deadly knife attack that killed a police officer has triggered demands to allow deportations to Afghanistan. Anti-immigration rhetoric is being stepped up ahead of the elections for the European Parliament.

(Deutsche Welle) Colleagues, family and politicians converged on the city square in Mannheim on Friday to remember the young policeman who sustained deadly injuries one week ago. German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier laid flowers. A 25-year-old man originally from Afghanistan, who is married […]


German intel: Syrian student says ‘all Jews belong in gas chamber’ Shocking secret file exposes Israel-related antisemitism among German Muslim associations.

(Jerusalem Post) A previously classified German intelligence report on Wednesday revealed widespread Islamic-animated antisemitism among Muslim organizations in the federal republic, including defective statistics about the origin of crimes due to Jew-hatred. The German paper Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) first reported on the […]

Government & Politics

German government bans Hezbollah — Interior Ministry Authorities have designated Hezbollah a terrorist organization and banned its activity on German soil. Police conducted raids on four associations linked to the Islamist group.

(Deutsche Welle) German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer on Thursday banned all Hezbollah activities in the country, his ministry spokesman said on Twitter. He also confirmed that “police measures are underway in several federal states concurrently,” and added that even in times of […]