
Pence: ‘Anti-Semitism has no place in the Congress of the United States’ 'Anyone who slanders the historic' US-Israel alliance 'should not be sitting' on House Foreign Affairs Committee

(Free Beacon) Vice President Mike Pence said anti-Semitism “has no place” [in] Congress during a speech before the nonprofit Christians United for Israel on Monday. “Let me say this from the heart. Anti-Semitism has no place in the Congress of the United […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

House Dems postpone vote rebuking Omar amid pressure from left Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other liberal allies stepped up their defense of the freshman Democrat.

(Politico) A vote on a resolution condemning anti-Semitism in response to controversial comments by Rep. Ilhan Omar is set to slip past Wednesday amid intensifying pressure from the left both inside and outside the House Democratic Caucus. An array of progressive groups […]

Government & Politics

House Dems will take floor action to confront Omar’s latest Israel comments The freshman Democrat is clashing with senior lawmakers who view her remarks as anti-Semitic.

(Politico) Speaker Nancy Pelosi and top Democrats will take floor action Wednesday in response to controversial remarks by Rep. Ilhan Omar about Israel, the second such rebuke of the freshman Democrat from party leaders in recent weeks. Pelosi and other senior Democrats […]

Government & Politics

Pro-Israel groups take issue with appointment of Omar to House Foreign Affairs Committee While several pro-Israel groups criticized the appointment of Rep. Ilhan Omar, who has endorsed BDS, as a 'dangerous development,' others expressed confidence in the pro-Israel leadership of the committee to counter her. J Street contends the attacks on her are 'bigoted and deeply wrong.'

(JNS) It didn’t take long for Jewish and Israel-related groups to react to the appointment of anti-Israel Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) to the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Along with several other new members of Congress, Omar has gained considerable attention as part of […]