
Caliphate protests in Hamburg: What is Muslim Interactive? The relatively new organization Muslim Interactive has shocked the public with calls for a caliphate. Experts believe the movement is identitarian.

(Deutsche Welle) It’s estimated that some 1,000 people gathered at Hamburg’s popular street Steindamm late April, following a call to protests by an organization called Muslim Interactive (MI). Some demonstrators chanted “God is great,” and held up signs that read “caliphate is […]

Academics & Education

German conference on Islamic veil sparks controversy Islamic veils are a hot topic in Germany, particularly due to a growing Muslim population. Now, outcry over an academic conference on the issue has surprised even its organizer, who says freedom of speech is at stake.

(Deutsche Welle) Islamic veils and headscarves remain the subject of heated public debate in Germany. Some view them as part and parcel of religious freedom; others as a symbol of women’s oppression in Islam. The German court system has already taken up […]