Government & Politics

Germany arrests Hamas operatives who planned attack on Israeli embassy and US base According to a German investigation into members of Hamas' terror cell, who were arrested in December, they planned attacks against the Israeli embassy in Berlin and an American base in western Germany

(Ynet) Hamas planned an attack on the Israeli embassy in Berlin and a US military base in western Germany. The German newspaper “Welt am Sonntag” reported that according to the investigation, one of the members of the terror cell, whose associates were […]

Government & Politics

Europe turning blind eye to Hamas and Hezbollah networks in its territory, experts say Analysts say terror groups operate largely unchecked, running charities, lobbying public opinion and recruiting supporters — and the legal means to stop them are scant

(Times of Israel) A stash of weapons was found hidden under a pine tree in southern Bulgaria last week. The arms were linked to four suspected Hamas members arrested in Germany and the Netherlands in December on suspicion of preparing an attack […]


A new terror threat is emerging in Europe linked to Iran, Gaza war Security services are on edge as the Israel-Hamas conflict galvanizes new actors

(Wall Street Journal) Authorities in Europe say they have foiled several terror plots, some involving suspects posing as refugees, raising alarm about a growing array of threats from extremists. In one previously unreported investigation last December, police in Austria and Bosnia arrested […]

Government & Politics

Israel says it uncovered Hamas terror network planning attacks in Europe Mossad and Shin Bet release details on group’s attempts to attack Jewish and Israeli targets, say slain Hamas leaders in Lebanon helmed the efforts

(Times of Israel) Hamas runs a network of operatives in Europe commanded by terror leaders in Lebanon, Israel said Saturday as its intelligence agencies released new details on the Gaza-based organization’s attempts to attack Israeli and Jewish targets abroad. Most of the […]