
Police: Nato protesters planned, then decided against, Koran burning at Helsinki demo After learning about the plans on social media, police told organisers before the demonstration that burning such a book would be illegal.

(Yle) Some protesters planned to burn a Koran at an anti-Nato demonstration held in Helsink[i] last week, but then reconsidered after learning it would be against the law, according to city police. The Helsinki Police Department’s chief inspector, Heikki Porola, told Yle […]

Law Enforcement

Brussels bombing trial: Judge calls for dialogue after accusations of violence Ali [El] Haddad Asufi claims he was mistreated in retaliation for complaining about security measures

(National-UAE) The presiding judge of the Brussels bombing trial on Thursday intervened to call for improved relations between the parties involved after one of the defendants accused a policeman of strangling him. The incident was said to have been in retaliation for […]


Feds charge Pentagon contractor with lying about ties to ISIS Mohammad Rafi Mohammadi worked for the U.S. in Afghanistan. He was also allegedly helping the terrorist group behind a bombing that killed 13 American troops

(Rolling Stone) Federal prosecutors say a translator hired by the U.S. to work in Afghanistan lied about his contacts with recruiters for the terrorist group behind a notorious bombing that killed 13 American troops in August 2021. In a federal criminal complaint […]


Salman Rushdie stabbing suspect ‘had contact with Iran’s Revolutionary Guard’ Intel officials told VICE World News Hadi Matar had been in contact with members of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. There’s no evidence Iran was involved in organising the attack.

(Vice) The 24-year-old man accused of stabbing author Salman Rushdie had been in direct contact with members of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps on social media, European and Middle Eastern intelligence officials told VICE World News. Hadi Matar has been charged with […]


Afghan refugees protest delayed visas at US embassy in Madagascar Afghan refugees living in the east African island nation say they lack basic support and want to be relocated to the US.

(Al-Jazeera) A group of refugees from Afghanistan has gathered in front of the United States embassy in Madagascar’s capital, Antananarivo, calling for their cases to be expedited after years of waiting. At least a dozen Afghans including both adults and children gathered […]

Government & Politics

‘Camps in NE Syria mean ticking bomb for Europe’: EU counter-terrorism chief Ilkka Salmi warns of radicalization of former members of Daesh/ISIS terror group, unknown future of evacuated Afghans

(Anadolu) Former members of the Daesh/ISIS terror group and their families in camps and prisons of northeastern Syria mean “a ticking bomb” for European security, the EU’s new counter-terrorism chief said on Tuesday. Speaking for the first time at the European Parliament’s […]