Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Former congressman Keith Ellison: Trump’s attacks on Ilhan Omar are ‘violent incitement’ ‘I don’t know if they don’t realize they’re risking her safety or they just don’t care,’ said the first Muslim member of Congress and Omar’s Minnesota predecessor.

(Daily Beast) Former congressman Keith Ellison has a theory for why President Donald Trump is working to make Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) public enemy number one. “She, simply by her existence, is a person who he doesn’t believe belongs,” Ellison said in […]

Government & Politics

Omar rakes in cash online as controversies pile up The freshman Democrat took in over $832,000, largely from online donors, after facing criticism for using anti-Semitic tropes this winter.

(Politico) Small-dollar donors rushed to defend embattled Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) in the first three months [of] this year, as she faced charges of anti-Semitism from prominent Democrats, according to a fundraising report filed Monday with the Federal Election Commission. Omar, a […]

Government & Politics

Trump escalates his attacks on Omar after Pelosi ups her security The president also goes after the House speaker, saying she has ‘lost all control of Congress.’

(Politico) President Donald Trump on Monday escalated his verbal attacks on Rep. Ilhan Omar, less than 24 hours after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced she is seeking protection for the Minnesota congresswoman due to increased death threats following tweets from the president. […]

Government & Politics

Pelosi: Capitol Police working to ‘safeguard’ Omar after Trump 9/11 tweet Ilhan Omar says she has ‘experienced an increase in direct threats on my life.’

(Politico) Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Sunday that the U.S. Capitol Police and the House sergeant-at-arms “are conducting a security assessment to safeguard Congresswoman [Ilhan] Omar, her family and her staff” after a tweet by President Donald Trump. Trump on Friday shared […]

Government & Politics

Omar hits back at Pelosi over BDS remarks

(Hill) Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) on Tuesday pushed back against Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for denouncing the global boycott and sanctions movement against Israel during an appearance before the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) conference. During a speech before the […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Rep. Liz Cheney blasts House Democrats for ‘enabling’ anti-Semitic comments The House Republican said the failure to single out controversial comments by Rep. Omar was an effort to protect her.

(NBC) Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., accused Democrats on Sunday of “enabling” anti-Semitism for failing to explicitly condemn recent comments by a freshman Minnesota Democrat, Rep. Ilhan Omar, in a recent congressional vote. Cheney, the third-ranking GOP leader in the House, made her […]

Government & Politics

Pelosi doubles down in defense of Omar

(Hill) Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) doubled down on her defense of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) on Friday, telling an audience at the Economic Club that the Minnesota congresswoman is not anti-Semitic. During an interview Friday in Washington, Pelosi reiterated her belief that […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

House repudiates bigotry after Omar comments split Dems The uproar over Ilhan Omar's controversial comments distracted Democrats, who wanted to focus on election reform.

(Politico) The House overwhelmingly approved a resolution condemning hate speech Thursday, indirectly rebuking Rep. Ilhan Omar’s controversial comments about Israel and ending a days-long political drama that had consumed the Democratic Caucus on the eve of a major legislative victory. The debate […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Tensions flare as Dems struggle to calm furor over Omar Lawmakers clashed behind closed doors, with some complaining that Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her leadership team had failed to handle the escalating political crisis.

(Politico) House Democratic leaders are struggling to contain the controversy over Rep. Ilhan Omar’s comments about Israel, with the caucus fighting behind closed doors over whether — and how — to respond. Tensions ran high at a caucus meeting Wednesday as some […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

House Dems postpone vote rebuking Omar amid pressure from left Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other liberal allies stepped up their defense of the freshman Democrat.

(Politico) A vote on a resolution condemning anti-Semitism in response to controversial comments by Rep. Ilhan Omar is set to slip past Wednesday amid intensifying pressure from the left both inside and outside the House Democratic Caucus. An array of progressive groups […]

Government & Politics

House Dems will take floor action to confront Omar’s latest Israel comments The freshman Democrat is clashing with senior lawmakers who view her remarks as anti-Semitic.

(Politico) Speaker Nancy Pelosi and top Democrats will take floor action Wednesday in response to controversial remarks by Rep. Ilhan Omar about Israel, the second such rebuke of the freshman Democrat from party leaders in recent weeks. Pelosi and other senior Democrats […]

Government & Politics

Leading Jewish groups demand anti-Semitic Omar be removed from Foreign Affairs Committee Jewish groups slam Omar's anti-Semitic language, ties to groups advocating terrorism

(Free Beacon) A group of leading Jewish organizations petitioned the House of Representative’s top Democrats on Monday, demanding that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) be removed from her position on the powerful Foreign Affairs Committee in light of her numerous anti-Semitic remarks […]

Government & Politics

Ilhan Omar apologizes after Pelosi denounces tweet as anti-Semitic Democrats moved quickly after the freshman lawmaker suggested support for Israel stemmed from campaign donations.

(Politico) Rep. Ilhan Omar apologized for anti-Semitic comments Monday after coming under pressure from Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other top Democrats. The Minnesota Democrat sparked a firestorm Sunday night when she implied lawmakers’ support for Israel is driven by campaign donations from […]