Government & Politics

UK withdraws interfaith charity funding over Muslim Council of Britain links The decision to stop funding the Inter Faith Network was due to the 'reputational risk' posed for government

(Middle East Eye) The British government intends to stop funding an interfaith charity because one of its trustees is a member of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), which the British government refuses to engage with. Communities Secretary Michael Gove told the […]

Banks & Banking

Like Nigel Farage, British Muslims say they are being ‘de-banked’ Often without providing clear reasons, major high-street banks appear to be disproportionately closing the accounts of British Muslims, members of the minority group and experts say.

(Al-Jazeera) Two months ago, the Cordoba Foundation, a British think tank, was organising a forum in central London about political tensions in Tunisia. But when trying to settle invoices, its efforts to pay for the event failed. “Multiple attempts to pay the […]