Government & Politics

Arab Americans eye Trump’s pro-Israel government picks As Donald Trump prepares to take office amid the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, Arab Americans are considering the legacy of his past policies and staunch support for Israel — and how that could affect US policy.

(Deutsche Welle) It has been several weeks now, but Wasel Yousaf has photos on his phone to help him relive the memory of meeting his idol. “He made a joke about how tightly I was shaking his hand,” Yousaf said, looking at […]

Government & Politics

Arab Americans who backed Trump disappointed by pro-Israel picks for cabinet and senior roles President-elect has nominated loyalists and pro-Israel candidates to key positions in charge of foreign policy

(National-UAE) During his campaign, Donald Trump reached out to Arab Americans with promises that he would bring about peace in the Middle East — but to the chagrin of many in the community, recent nominations to top foreign policy posts have included […]