Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Alleged misuse of French anti-extremism fund stirs controversy Funds meant to counter extremism and separatism were allegedly used to fight anti-Islamophobia groups and Muslim associations

(Anadolu) France is being rocked by allegations that funds earmarked to fight “extremism” in the country may instead have targeted groups fighting anti-Muslim prejudice and even been used to target a news agency from a majority-Muslim country. The €2.5 million ($2.7 million) […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

French government protests EU commissioner meeting with ‘Islamist’ NGO The NGO says it’s being unfairly targeted by the French government.

(Politico) Two French ministers on Monday called out the European Commission over a meeting between Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli and FEMYSO, a network of Muslim youth associations they dubbed an “Islamist association that is attacking France.” The association met with Dalli […]

Government & Politics

French Senate adopts anti-terrorism bill with controversial provisions Bill blocks access to archives and strengthens internet surveillance to prevent terrorism

(Anadolu) France’s Senate adopted a controversial bill early Wednesday aimed at strengthening anti-terrorism measures and intelligence with provisions to shut down places of worship and blocking access to the state’s secret archives to strengthen internal security. The bill, which was approved by […]

Academics & Education

German professor under police protection for stance on Islamophobia A German professor at a university in Grenoble, France, has become the target of a hate campaign for not wanting to compare anti-Semitism with Islamophobia.

(Deutsche Welle) “Fascists in our lecture halls! Dismiss Professor Kinzler! Islamophobia kills,” read the large banners hanging at the University of Grenoble. Activists from the French student union Unef also posted the slogans online. Five months after the brutal murder of history […]