Government & Politics

Dutch election: Far-right surge gives Geert Wilders late boost One poll puts the anti-Islam euroskeptic in joint first place ahead of Wednesday’s knife-edge vote.

(Politico) A sudden surge in support for far-right firebrand Geert Wilders has electrified the Dutch election as the campaign enters its final hours. Wilders’ anti-Islam and anti-EU Freedom Party (PVV) has been buoyed by last-minute gains, with one poll even putting the […]

Government & Politics

The EU has revealed its blueprint to curb migration It involves lots of cash for Northern African countries. Tunisia is the first to sign up. Egypt and Morocco could follow.

(Politico) Cash is king in the EU’s plan to stop migrants from coming to Europe. On Sunday, the EU finalized a deal with Tunisia — a common departure point for people seeking asylum in Europe — that essentially offers the country millions in exchange […]

Government & Politics

EU countries agree to major migration deal Last-minute concessions to Italy unblocked a deal that could overhaul the EU’s asylum system for the first time in years.

(Politico) Italy finally gave its blessing. Rome’s green light on Thursday evening unlocked a major deal to overhaul the EU’s asylum procedures for the first time in years after a grueling gathering of home affairs ministers in Luxembourg. “I wasn’t sure this […]

Law Enforcement

Masih Alinejad defiant amid police protection after UK TV appearance Iranian dissident is in the UK to discuss her anti-regime campaign with members of Parliament

(National-UAE) Masih Alinejad, an Iranian-American journalist and activist, was given a Metropolitan Police protection team on Tuesday evening after her appearance on Piers Morgan Uncensored. Ms Alinejad spoke at the Sir Harry Evans Global Summit on Investigative Journalism in central London on […]