Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

‘French Muslims will suffer’ under separatism rules, critics say Civil rights groups, academics and experts raise alarm ahead of key vote on controversial bill.

(Al-Jazeera) On October 2 last year, French President Emmanuel Macron announced a law against what he called “Islamist separatism” aimed at tackling “radical” movements in the country. He described Islam as a religion “in crisis” globally, as he sought to boost support […]

Government & Politics

French migration policy ‘anything but lax,’ says interior minister ‘No president has done as much as Emmanuel Macron’ when it comes to being tough on asylum and migration, says Gérald Darmanin.

(Politico) The French government’s migration policy is “anything but lax,” Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said, adding that “no president has done as much as Emmanuel Macron” when it comes to being tough on asylum and migration. Speaking to Le Parisien, Darmanin said […]

Gender Separation

French minister accuses mayors of giving in to ‘political Islam’ over swimming pools Bruno Le Maire hits out at ‘the ideology that is at the root of terrorism.’

(Politico) France’s finance minister on Friday accused some mayors of giving in to “political Islam” because they allow women-only hours at local swimming pools, underscoring a harsher tone in the aftermath of a schoolteacher’s beheading. “There is terrorism, yes — the crime […]

Government & Politics

French city official celebrates his birthday with a swastika cake [Montpellier] councillor Djamel Boumaaz, who was previously fined for making a Nazi gesture, calls pastry ‘a gift from my SS friend’

(Times of Israel) An official in the French town of [Montpellier] celebrated his birthday with a cake decorated with a swastika, which he described as “a gift from my SS friend.” Djamel Boumaaz posted an image of the cake on his Facebook […]

Arts & Entertainment

The vicious circle of Islamist terrorism and far-right extremism While Islamist terrorists get close scrutiny, their far-right counterparts often do not. But that is changing, especially as studies show jihadists and the far-right not only reflect each other, but feed off each other.

(Christian Science Monitor) When most people think of the Bataclan these days, it’s not the venerated theater where rock bands have been playing since the 1970s which comes to mind. Rather, it’s Islamist terrorism, after 89 people were killed there during a […]