Children & Teens

Four women and 13 children return home to Australia from Syria after secret flight A ‘joyous’ father has been reunited with his daughter and grandchildren after four Islamic State families returned to Australia.

(NCA NewsWire) An emotional man has been reunited with his daughter and grandchildren as four families returned home to Australia after being taken from a camp for Islamic State families in Syria. Seventeen people — four women and 13 children — touched […]

Children & Teens

Australia’s first IS bride Zehra Duman and her children have fled to Turkey The Melbourne-born woman — who had her Australian citizenship revoked for joining the terrorist organisation — has left the Al-Hol refugee camp in north-east Syria with her two young children, SBS News can confirm.

(SBS) IS bride Zehra Duman is currently in a Turkish prison and believed to be under investigation by Turkish authorities. Her four-year-old son and one-year-old daughter are being held at a child protection centre in the Turkish border province of Şanlıurfa where they […]