Government & Politics

Athens wants to revamp EU-Turkey migrant deal Greek interior minister says now is time to ‘reenergize, rejuvenate and expand’ pact that returns migrants to Turkey.

(Politico) Athens wants to expand a migration deal with Turkey, Greek Interior Minister Dimitrios Kairidis said. The European Union reached the contentious agreement with Turkey at the peak of the migration crisis in March 2016. It foresaw that all undocumented migrants arriving […]

Government & Politics

Greece to the EU: Come help stop migrant boats before they get here ‘These tragedies will continue to happen unless we stop departures from Libya,’ Greece’s migration minister told POLITICO following a shipwreck that killed hundreds.

(Politico) Greece wants the EU to stop migrant boats before they even get to Europe. In an interview with POLITICO, newly appointed Greek Migration Minister Dimitris Kairidis called on the EU to resume an operation that aims to halt migrants before leaving […]

Government & Politics

EU’s Johansson slams Greece over ‘deportation’ of migrants Footage showing Greek coast guard abandoning migrants in the open sea is ‘absolutely unacceptable,’ EU home affairs commissioner says.

(Politico) EU Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson criticized Greece for reportedly forcing migrants onto an emergency raft and abandoning them in the Aegean Sea. In an interview with POLITICO, Johansson said the episode was more than a pushback — when migrants are […]

Government & Politics

EU’s border agency deliberately, systematically cooperated with Greece in pushbacks: report EU Commission’s vice president acted more for Greece than as bloc’s senior official, says German magazine Der Spiegel

(Anadolu) The European Union’s border agency, Frontex, has deliberately and systematically cooperated with Greece in illegal pushbacks of asylum seekers to Turkish waters, a German magazine reported Thursday. Findings of an investigation by OLAF, the bloc’s anti-fraud agency, on the dimension of […]