Government & Politics

US Jewish leader accuses Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib of anti-Semitism Malcolm Hoenlein also says he opposes US Jews donating to Israeli political campaigns, argues Airbnb’s decision to delist settlements opens a Pandora’s box

(Times of Israel) One of American Jewry’s most senior leaders lashed out at US Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib on Monday, accusing the young lawmaker of making anti-Semitic remarks. “I am very disturbed. I do believe Tlaib has made anti-Semitic comments,” Malcolm Hoenlein, the […]


NY Senate candidate Chele Farley blasts opponent Kirsten Gillibrand’s ‘appalling’ association with radical Linda Sarsour

(Breitbart) New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s continued association with anti-Israel radical Linda Sarsour is “appalling,” while the politician’s seeming turn against Israel “is certainly not what New Yorkers support,” declared Gillibrand’s Republican challenger, Chele Farley. “We absolutely cannot have that,” stated Farley […]