Government & Politics

New details on Biden’s private apology to Muslim Americans for rhetoric on Palestinian civilians One meeting attendee 'respectfully challenged' the president over his tone.

(ABC) As President Joe Biden tries to find a balance between supporting Israel and showing concern for the plight of Palestinian civilians, new details are emerging about how emotions spilled over during a private White House meeting last month between him, his […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

With no fanfare or acknowledgment, Biden hosts White House meeting with Muslim leaders 'The optics don’t look good,' an attendee said, speaking on condition of anonymity to talk freely about the discussion with Biden.

(NBC) President Joe Biden quietly hosted a meeting Thursday for a handful of Muslim leaders, according to four sources familiar with the White House gathering, as he faces pressure from the Arab American community over what they contend is his comparative disregard […]

Government & Politics

Minneapolis City Council draws criticism for scheduling rent stabilization vote on Eid Three Muslim council members, who would have voted to move the policy forward, were all absent from the vote to honor the major religious holiday.

(KARE) With four “yeas” and six “nays,” the issue of rent stabilization was stopped from going on the ballot for Minneapolis voters this fall. That is news in and of itself, but at issue for many is that the council voted on […]

Government & Politics

Activist with history of antisemitism campaigned with several Democrats over the last year, posts reveal Maher Abdel Qader previously garnered media attention due to his close ties to 'Squad' member Rashida Tlaib

(Fox) A Palestinian activist with a history of antisemitic social media posts and deep ties to “Squad” Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., has campaigned with multiple Democrats over the last year, Fox News Digital has learned. Maher Abdel Qader, who has deep political ties […]


More than 50 groups reject ADL’s critique of pro-Palestinian activism ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt was wrong, they wrote, to compare them to far-right extremists.

(Forward) Dozens of American Muslim groups Monday issued a statement decrying recent remarks of Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt, who they accuse of slandering Palestinian rights organization[s]. They referred to a speech Greenblatt made two weeks ago in which he called several […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

New York attorney general urges Justice Department to probe anti-Muslim group The attorney general also told Investigative Project on Terrorism to cease and desist 'ongoing or contemplated unlawful espionage operations against Muslims'

(Middle East Eye) New York’s attorney general has called on the US Justice Department to investigate whether an anti-Muslim group violated federal, criminal, and civil rights laws by spying on American Muslim groups. In a letter to the Justice Department on Friday, Attorney […]

Government & Politics

Five states elect first-ever Muslim lawmakers, from Oklahoma to Delaware On Tuesday, voters in Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Oklahoma and Wisconsin all elected their state legislatures’ first-ever Muslim lawmakers.

(Religion News) Mauree Turner, a 27-year-old member of Oklahoma City’s Muslim community, became Muslim after learning about the faith from her father, who converted while incarcerated. Black and nonbinary, Turner is also a community organizer who’s long been involved in criminal justice […]

Government & Politics

‘Out-vote the hate’: Tlaib and Omar call for large Muslim turnout At virtual event hosted by Senator Bernie Sanders, the congresswomen and other prominent US Muslims called for 'historic' turnout to defeat Trump

(Middle East Eye) Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar along with other prominent Muslim Americans have called for high voter turnout from their community to push back against bigotry and defeat President Donald Trump in next month’s election. Speaking at a virtual […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

‘Slap in the face’: Muslims decry Bloomberg’s upcoming appearance at Democratic convention As New York mayor, Bloomberg oversaw a surveillance programme that targeted Muslim community gatherings, businesses and student groups

(Middle East Eye) Former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg oversaw a surveillance programme targeting the city’s Muslim community for almost a decade. This week he will be speaking at the Democratic national convention — an event that has so far focused on […]

Government & Politics

‘We don’t need someone distracted with Twitter’: Ilhan Omar fights off tough primary challenge The Minnesota freshman and 'Squad' member faces criticism that she’s too divisive to effectively represent her district.

(Politico) Rep. Ilhan Omar is one of the best-known Democrats from the class of 2018, a lightning-rod member of the Squad whose outspoken liberal politics have made her an enemy of Donald Trump. Back home in Minneapolis, however, her polarizing national profile […]

Government & Politics

Sanders touts endorsement from Iowa Dem who defended convicted terrorist Hillary Clinton returned donations and denounced the American Muslim Alliance. Now, Sanders embraces its leader.

(Free Beacon) Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders touted the endorsement of Ako Abdul-Samad, who once defended an al Qaeda propagandist and runs a Muslim-American organization so controversial that other Democrats have returned its donations. “I’m honored to have Rep. Abdul-Samad’s endorsement,” Sen. […]

Government & Politics

Bernie Sanders endorsed by Muslim group, Iowa’s sole Muslim state lawmaker The senator from Vermont has been a top contender among Muslim American voters in the Democratic presidential contest.

(HuffPost) The national board of the Muslim Caucus of America as well [as] Iowa state Rep. Ako Abdul-Samad announced their endorsements of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) for the 2020 presidential election. “What you have here is an individual who stands up for […]

Government & Politics

Heads of Republican-Democrat delegation agree: Omar, Tlaib should visit Israel Even critics ‘leave with much more positive view,’ say leaders of largest-ever group of US lawmakers, with 41 Democrats and 31 Republicans to tour; organizers deny Trump objects

(Times of Israel) The leaders of an unprecedentedly large bipartisan congressional delegation visiting Israel on Sunday welcomed the plan by two controversial Muslim lawmakers to visit the Jewish state, and Jerusalem’s decision to let them enter the country. The two Democratic freshman […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Ilhan Omar: I’m going to unmask the system of oppression in US At historic conference, Muslim Caucus condemns Trump's attacks, calls for infrastructure for organising Muslim Americans

(Al-Jazeera) An event in Washington, DC, on Tuesday, billed as the first national gathering of Muslims in politics in United States history, began with a resounding … rebuke of racism and Islamophobia emanating from the White House, and a call for Muslims […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Muslim Caucus to hold first conference amid Trump’s attacks Ilhan Omar, others set to speak at first annual conference. Most major 2020 candidates are not attending.

(Al-Jazeera) Muslim political leaders and academics are set to gather in Washington, DC, on Tuesday for what is being billed as the first national gathering of Muslims in politics in United States history. The historic moment comes as President Donald Trump and […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

It’s 2019 and Democratic presidential candidates are ignoring Muslim voters Muslim organizers say the candidates’ lack of interest in an upcoming gathering reflects a much larger apathy toward their community.

(HuffPost) The president of the United States stood tall and proud at his North Carolina rally as the crowd chanted loudly for him to deport Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), one of the first two Muslim women in Congress. Just days before, Donald Trump had […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Former congressman Keith Ellison: Trump’s attacks on Ilhan Omar are ‘violent incitement’ ‘I don’t know if they don’t realize they’re risking her safety or they just don’t care,’ said the first Muslim member of Congress and Omar’s Minnesota predecessor.

(Daily Beast) Former congressman Keith Ellison has a theory for why President Donald Trump is working to make Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) public enemy number one. “She, simply by her existence, is a person who he doesn’t believe belongs,” Ellison said in […]

Government & Politics

Omar rakes in cash online as controversies pile up The freshman Democrat took in over $832,000, largely from online donors, after facing criticism for using anti-Semitic tropes this winter.

(Politico) Small-dollar donors rushed to defend embattled Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) in the first three months [of] this year, as she faced charges of anti-Semitism from prominent Democrats, according to a fundraising report filed Monday with the Federal Election Commission. Omar, a […]

Government & Politics

‘People who look like me’: US Muslims celebrate Tlaib and Omar victories Supporters of the first Muslim congresswomen in US history say they see themselves reflected in Congress for the first time in their lives

(Middle East Eye) Ilhan Omar had four hours to decide whether to run for Congress. Last June, Keith Ellison, then a representative for Minnesota and the first Muslim elected to Congress, made a late-hour entry into the state’s attorney general race, leaving […]