Government & Politics

‘You no longer represent us’: New Jersey Muslims mobilize against longtime congressman over Israel stance A constituency that helped him keep his seat a decade ago now wants him out of office.

(Politico) Last time Rep. Bill Pascrell faced a serious primary challenge, he ended up winning by a 20-point margin after the Arab American community rallied in support of the New Jersey Democrat. Now that same constituency is turning against him, posing a […]

Government & Politics

CAIR quietly scrubs Democrats’ praise for group after blowback over leader’s pro-Hamas comments Nihad Awad, CAIR's executive director, said he was 'happy to see' Hamas attack Israel

(Fox) The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) appears to have scrubbed Democratic lawmakers’ praise for its group from its website following blowback over its leader’s controversial statements regarding Hamas, Fox News Digital has discovered. Nihad Awad, CAIR’s executive director, recently said he […]

Government & Politics

California Republican goes full Ilhan Omar in anti-Semitic rant Primary challenger Greg Raths says the 'Jewish community' uses 'money' to 'control a lot of' politicians

(Free Beacon) California’s upcoming primary elections could deliver Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) an unlikely foreign policy ally — Republican Greg Raths, who last week said the “Jewish community” uses money to “control” U.S. politicians. Raths’s anti-Semitic rant came during a May […]