
Berlin bans protests of terrorist NGO after calls of ‘death to Israel’ A protest including chants of 'Death to Jews' and 'Death to Israel' was organized by Samidoun, a Palestinian NGO that is classified as a terrorist entity by Israel.

(Jerusalem Post) The authorities in the city-state of Berlin banned protests on Saturday and Sunday, organized by the Israeli government-designated terrorist NGO Samidoun that aids Palestinian terrorists. This was reported by the Berlin newspaper BZ on Friday. A police official said: “According […]


German protesters call for ‘death to Israel’ and ‘death to Jews’ in Berlin The reportedly antisemitic march unfolded in two Berlin neighborhoods with large Muslim presence, Kreuzberg and Neukölln, and centered on the current controversy on the Temple Mount.

(Jerusalem Post) Israel’s Ambassador to Germany Ron Prosor slammed a rally of mainly five hundred German Muslims who on Saturday blasted calls for the obliteration of Israel and Jews in Berlin. Prosor wrote on Twitter in German: “These idiots abuse Germany’s freedoms […]


Urgent conference on religious slaughter to be held by European Commission In a document that the participants received, obtained by the Post, the European Commission elaborated that it 'is committed to ensuring freedom of religion or belief in the EU.'

(Jerusalem Post) The European Commission (EC) will hold an urgent conference on Thursday about religious slaughter titled “Freedom of religion with regard to religious slaughter,” the Jerusalem Post has learned. The participants were asked to keep a low profile and not speak […]


Top EU official: Religious slaughter bans paint Jews, Muslims as ‘medieval’ Official tasked with fighting anti-Semitism also urges EU countries to properly criminalize Holocaust denial.

(Politico) Belgian bans on the ritual slaughter of animals practiced by Jews and Muslims risk painting these minorities as “medieval” communities with no respect for animal life, the EU’s top official tasked with fighting anti-Semitism across Europe said. Since 2019, citing concerns […]